Hi, I'm having some pretty severe problems with UVW Mapping in 3DS Max. The models I use have been exported from Sketchup, where they were created, I've tried importing the .skp file, exporting the model into a .3ds file and a .fbx file, and then importing into 3DS Max, they all import fine but run into the same problem when it comes to UVW Mapping. For some reason, when I have plotted all the edges on the model and open up the 'Edit UVW' window, nothing shows up.. (Here's a visual representation -
https://gyazo.com/c2f64636280a0a9735f7a9ea58b7e47a). I'd be very thankful if anyone could help me with this issue.
This is not the usual method for making UVs. If you're doing Pelt, you need to Pelt those edges.
First off, apply a uvwmappingclear modifier and start again following what you've learned from Eric's link.
The mesh you've imported isn't unwrapped by the sound of it and has defaulted upon import to a jumbled mess. That's why the green lines(uv seams are everywhere)