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Xnormal problem , cannot load higholymesh

polycounter lvl 14
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NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
Cannot load Highpoly mesh default D3D10GDrv: Cannot optimize highpoly mesh!

This is the message I get when I load the HP mesh in xnormal , it reaches about 80% load in the viewer then I get this message ....

Unfortunately if I can't edit the cage I can't make a proper baking , the model is very high polygount 47 mil , but I can't decimate in Zbrush , the only way I coul ddecimate is by splitting into subpieces and decimate, but then this leaves some unwanted seams between the split borders despite I selected freeze border in the decimation.

How can I do to surpass this problem ?

Woudl be working if I loaded a decimated recomposed model in xnormal , create the cage and then reload the HP one?


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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Here is another problem , I loaded the decimated model in order to be able to create the cage, then I used the actual HP model to create the baking etc ...

    This is how looks the cage on left, wich seems fine to me , but for some reason the normal map come out messed and cutted ... why? I also kept for 3 minutes ray distance tool calculating the numbers, but it gets that . what I am doing wrong?

  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    Ray distance is irrelevant if you're using a cage. Make sure "use cage" is checked in the lowpoly mesh's options. Otherwise, check that 'closest hit if ray fails' and 'discard back-face hits' are both enabled.
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