Hello , I have a large mesh exported to work on zbrush , its millions of polys , but since I had to load in xnormal , it creates only one texture as far as I know and not tiled, so I have put all into one mesh and then split the several uv into one single 8192 x 8192 image.
now How can I do once I get the proper maps to remap the splitted model parts from the portion of that 8192 size UV to just a tile and so occupy all the uv space of a square without loosing seam position?
Sorry I have never made so large meshes to bake and its a big hero structure for an environment .
The problem is that Xnormal doesn't allow tiled normal map extraction , so is there a way to overcome this or do it in another way?
The first option is not usable because the environment I want to put it in does not have any ambient occlusion or post process effect , and the whole object would look like tiled texture and the second is not possible as I have one single object entry .
Which game engine are you using? Each one does UVs differently. Depends on the shader.
Because it is an online game, you need to use smaller textures. No one wants to wait for a 8k texture to download!
Its very primitive, but I am trying to give a more updated touch , its normal maps and stuff had just been implemented and is not very advanced, themaximum number of texture size is 1024 and there is a limit in dimension of objects, so I am trying to make a superbig mountain but I do not want to use a single 1024 texture for it as it woudl look crap , neither a tiling one would be good , the 8192 map was just made because of the xnormal limit, not beeing able to bake tiled normal maps. the idea is to upload multiple 1024 texture and recompose that by sidening the meshes, but I know this is also problematic due to seams of textures and normals that might cause problems .
but what you meant by UV sets?
If your plan is really to use 16 1k unique textures baked off a sculpt rather than a few tiling textures I don't think anyone who comes across your asset will be pleased with the load time or footprint.