Hi there!
I replied to an earlier post about this but as its tagged as solved im worried it wont be seen.
Anytime i try and use 3DO it crashes with this error
"Switching to resolution 400x400 failed, trying lower one
All resolution switches have failed
Screen: could not switch resolution (400x400 fs=0 hz=0)"
On the post i replied, the answer was to edit your registry to change certain values but when i tried that there's no Quixel subfolder....
Im kind of stuck on what to do! Im currently using the trial version and very tempted to buy it if i can get this working!!
Yeah im using a TV as a monitor.....i assume by you asking thats whats causing my issues.
Close the Suite and Photoshop.
Right click on your desktop.
Open display settings.
Set your resolution down one notch.
Run the Suite, open 3DO.
Set your resolution back up to where it was before.
Let me know if this works. It's the only current workaround for TVs - Unity 5 (3DO's base engine) has troubles with televisions as monitors. You'll need to do this every time you run the Suite, but it should function normally afterward.
Unfortunately it didn't work though. I guess that means im stuck!
Might it have something to do with the Nvidia control panel? It's what I use to adjust my resolution. I tried it with the normal display settings aswell but it had no affect.
I quit the suite + photoshop, open my nvidia control panel, adjust the resolution down, reopen photoshop+suite and run 3DO and it still gives me the same error before i get a chance to adjust my resolution again.
Its also worth noting that the video did mess up because i changed my resolution mid recording which is why it looks strange.
Heres a video!
again the video gets messed up half way because i change resolution!
Its quite irritating....i dont even have a monitor i can hook this PC up to. Plus i use it for gaming so i don't particularly want to downgrade my screen size.
I had hoped to avoid using a second screen. I use an MSI Nightblade and my current graphics card doesn't have multi-screen capability. Unfortunate!
Using Photoshop 2015.5 and the latest Quixel Suite (2.2.1)
Running a HPZ 840 with 64 BG Ram and Quadro K5200 and Windows 10
Does anyone have a suggestion how to fix this??
You mean 'a Unity problem' if you have Unity installed this error comes up?
I have a second monitor (Full HD)
This FAQ article mentions what I posted several months ago - you may wish to try it and see if it resolves this. There is otherwise no solution that I'm currently aware of.
unfortunately this doesn't resolve the issue :-(
I'll have to be patience untill there is a fix...
SUITE will remember where you last loaded it, so place it on the monitor you want to load from. 3DO however will probably load from the primary monitor, so be sure to set that in Windows to the one you'd prefer to load from. Photoshop's default monitor is a bit tougher to set in stone: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1287025