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Vehicle tut - 3dnice

polycounter lvl 8
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wizz polycounter lvl 8
Hello everyone! I would like to share this one :) Hope you like it ! 
Comments and critics are welcome.




  • Jack M.
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    Jack M. interpolator
    I like the modeling and texturing but the presentation could use some work. The biggest thing I think is it looks very flat, has little contrast, and is very desaturated in comparison to Fury Road (if you were in fact modeling and texturing the vehicle to be similar to Fury Roads setting). Even in comparison to the Road Warrior which is less saturated that Fury Road still has like twice the contrast and saturation from what you have currently.

    Cool work though. I'll pick up the tutorial for that price :smile: 

    Here's a quick paintover of how it could look with some adjustments.

  • wizz
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    wizz polycounter lvl 8
    hep your right ;) I will definitely work a little bit on this :)  thx!
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