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Krita Masterthread: 4.0 is out!

polycounter lvl 5
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Wolthera polycounter lvl 5

I wanted to make a new thread for Krita 3.0+ because I couldn't edit the previous thread, being made by someone else.

Krita is a free open source painting program, with a ton of neat features and capabilities that make it worth checking out, such as the wraparound mode, the color management, openexr support, transform masks, flexible brush engine, layerstyles, and I bet a lot of people here could give their own examples of cool tools in Krita.

Krita 4.0 is out!

This release contains…

  • New Text Tool
  • Improved Vector Tools
  • Python Scripting (With some example scripts written already)
  • Improved brush settings dialog
  • Colorize Mask
  • New Filters
  • A Ton of Fixes
  • And much much more
Feature video overview:

Bugs still go to bugs.kde.org. Here's a list of reported bugs!

Enjoy your new Krita!


  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    Well you didn't just make A thread.......you made 4 ......lol I would be complaining more but its a clear mistake and I am really interested in this, grabbing the beta now.
  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    Well you didn't just make A thread.......you made 4 ......lol I would be complaining more but its a clear mistake and I am really interested in this, grabbing the beta now.
    Oh my god, my apologies. I have to update five social media websites whenever there's a new package out and I kept confusedly looking at the polycount one where for some reason I kept being in edit mode. Turns out that it doesn't take you to a new page even though it says that the post is in the moderator queue. I'll try to be more careful next time!
  • frmdbl
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    frmdbl polycounter
    Works really smoothly compared to Krita even a year ago! Just what I wanted to see.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    This looks mindblowing! I need to try the animation tools! 
  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    Here's a mini-tutorial on how to do a quick and dirty de-light of a photo texture to get an albedo texture using Krita and the grain extract blending mode.

    Start with your photograph. I've got this one from textures.com.

    Make a clone layer of it from the add layer menu in the palette. Then, put a Gaussian blur filter layer over that and set the radius pretty high. (In this case I used about 60 px.) Put both the clone layer and the filter layer in a group and set the group's blending mode to Grain Extract (which is under the Mix category.) You should get a result and a layer stack like this.

    This gets rid of the most problematic shadows but still leaves something to be desired. Too much of the color is gone, and the texture is overall a little too bright for a rock albedo texture. The first is easy to solve: add a desaturate filter layer over the gaussian blur filter layer to bring back the color after the grain extract group. Set the desaturate mode to whichever luminosity mode you like better.

    This brings back the color, but the texture's straying too far from the values we want for a rock texture. So, let's add a Brightness/Contrast filter layer above the grain extract and bring the left handle of the curve up a little and the right handle of the curve down a little.

    That looks just about right for an albedo texture, and although it doesn't reach the same level of quality as photogrammetry it's probably good enough to ship. And since the de-lighting is completely nondestructive, you can now paint out problem areas like the bush in the top right and the sprigs of grass. Here's the final processed photo with the foliage and lichen removed after I added the filter layers. Paint a normal map over this, optionally supplemented by a normal map filter in another program, and bob's your uncle.

  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    sorry if this is a silly questions, but does Krita 3.0 have editable alpha channels now?
    that was pretty much the reason i had to keep using photoshop, as a texture artist I need to have control over my RBGA channels.
  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    lotet said:
    sorry if this is a silly questions, but does Krita 3.0 have editable alpha channels now?
    that was pretty much the reason i had to keep using photoshop, as a texture artist I need to have control over my RBGA channels.
    Still not a channel lock toggle, no. However, if you rightclick a layer you can choose split alpha->alpha into mask and the whole alpha channel will become a mask that you can edit with filters and stuff.
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    I really like Kitra was using it till 4AM last night, just got up and am a bit grumpy from lack of sleep :neutral: 

    so far I have just been using it for sketching, have enjoyed the smoothing features gives it a manga studio/clipart kind of feel, was just wondering on the question of brushes, Are there more brushes available?do photoshop brushes by chance work? is there a tutorial for making custom brushes knocking about? 

  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    I really like Kitra was using it till 4AM last night, just got up and am a bit grumpy from lack of sleep :neutral: 
    :P Don't overexert yourself!

    so far I have just been using it for sketching, have enjoyed the smoothing features gives it a manga studio/clipart kind of feel, was just wondering on the question of brushes, Are there more brushes available?do photoshop brushes by chance work? is there a tutorial for making custom brushes knocking about? 

    We have a list of user-made resources here: https://krita.org/learn/resources/
    We have a small tutorial on how to access the brush settings and create your own brush here: https://userbase.kde.org/Krita/Manual/Brushes (We're going to move our manual to a different spot, but the information on it is pretty okay)
    And I've recently started accepting requests on how to make brushes from the default ones on the tumblr: http://krita-foundation.tumblr.com/search/brush-tips (These will eventually be ported to the new manual spot as well)

    There's also this guy:

    Who shows how to make brushes so you can follow Bob Ross' mystic mountain tutorial!

    And this guy:

    (I haven't really followed this one, tbh)

    I think that should get your started :)

  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    i tried the new release on a mac where i overwrote my old 2.9.x install. is the right click menu gone that let you set brushes, color, etc or are my prefs just screwed up from the update? also i seem to have lost brush size preview. the cursor now just displays at a fixed size circle here.

    and is it possible to customize the tool chest docker by any chance? the preference to have it display as a toolbar did not seem to change a thing. seeing as affinity photo does that and now i cannot live without this feature anymore. :)
  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    thomasp said:
    i tried the new release on a mac where i overwrote my old 2.9.x install. is the right click menu gone that let you set brushes, color, etc or are my prefs just screwed up from the update? also i seem to have lost brush size preview. the cursor now just displays at a fixed size circle here.

    These are know OSX limitations, yes. You can try playing with the OpenGL display settings under settings->Configure Krita->Display and see if that does anything.

    The rightclick menu(pop-up palette) isn't gone forever. Rather, on OSX we have the problem of getting it to paint on-top of the canvas, this is due to the OpenGL compatability profile issues on OSX. Same thing for the brush outline. We are working on this.
    thomasp said:

    and is it possible to customize the tool chest docker by any chance? the preference to have it display as a toolbar did not seem to change a thing. seeing as affinity photo does that and now i cannot live without this feature anymore. :)
    Okay, this is a bit confusing... There's a few tool things:
    1. The toolbox: This is a docker and not customisable.
    2. The toolbar, this is customisable via settings->configure toolbar. You can basically pin any action that can be hot keyed to it.
    3. Tool options can be put into the toolbar(via settings->configure Krita->general), but only as a dropdown button. If you start using the transform tool, you might see why.

    I hope this answers the question?
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Just tested the version on win 8.1 and it works great. The shortcut isnt working after exiting the program and every time I want to start it up I have to install the redistributable from the app folder. Apart from that the alpha seems robust and ready to go.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    thanks, that answers it all! will be waiting then for these issues to be sorted out.

    would be nice to have the ability to customize the toolbox though - assuming that's not on the roadmap already. also is it possible to alter brush size and opacity from the pop up palette (did not see that last time i tried) or from within the canvas by any chance? a few apps allow to do that from the context menu, also mudbox has a neat way for achieving this by click-dragging, for example.

  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    Still loving kitra had to add the cursor circle as I found the default green thing I would lose sight of on my screen, also set the hot keys to photoshop because it is more what I am used to, I wish the brush names would appear more apparent, I feel I have to hover over them take my tablet away to read what kind of brush it is, but this is something more that annoys you when you first start out as obviously you will come to know the brushes you like.

    I have had one crash, and one other minor annoyance when saving as Jpeg it defaults to a JPE extension, you have to manually add the G to the end of the name to make it work, other than these small minor annoyances I have to say it is rare I am so impressed with a piece of software out the gate and this is still Alpha o.O
  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    thomasp said:
    thanks, that answers it all! will be waiting then for these issues to be sorted out.

    would be nice to have the ability to customize the toolbox though - assuming that's not on the roadmap already. also is it possible to alter brush size and opacity from the pop up palette (did not see that last time i tried) or from within the canvas by any chance? a few apps allow to do that from the context menu, also mudbox has a neat way for achieving this by click-dragging, for example.

    There's brush-size resize on shift+drag, i & o for opacity change [ & ] for brush size increments, and we're extending the shift thing to work for opacity/flow/brush rotation.
    BTW, thomas, I just realised, did you maybe mean this?

    Because you can just resize the toolbox and the icons will try to work with you.

    @Exessivezero: Thanks! Well, it's still a pre-alpha for 3.0(vs our current stable version, 2.9.10) because it crashes in the weirdest places. So selections can give crashes, OCIO/HDR painting support is bugged, tangent normal brush asserts on certain devices, mouse wheel doesn't register, autosave recovery doesn't work right, filter preview crash etc, and a lot of these is because our OpenGL stuff is undergoing open heart surgery. Our idea of 'stable' is that it doesn't have fully broken workflows. As you can tell, we'd like to have these fixed before 3.0 stable :)

    You can set the brush docker to list mode, btw. This is next to the tag-dropdown in the preset docker.

  • Wolthera
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    Wolthera said:

    BTW, thomas, I just realised, did you maybe mean this?

    hey, thanks for those!
    and no i mean a toolbox where i can drag and drop icons around as i see fit. here's an example from affinity photo, left is a screenshot of the default i took from the web, right hand setup is mine -

    achieved through a customization dialog -

    so you can throw out all the tools you never use anyway or those which don't really need an icon unless you're a casual user (like pan, zoom) and arrange everything in an order that makes sense to you. hard to live without that every time i go back to other programs now. :)

    food for thought. also i hope it's OK to post examples from other applications in here. i don't want to rain on krita's parade!
  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    Yeah, not with the toolbox docker, but you can do it with the toolbar. Settings->configure Toolbars. There's by default 2 toolbars, the main one and the brushes and stuff one. You can add and remove tools from both. We used to have the ability to move them above, but it seems like that was removed... it probably broke. We're planning on enhancing toolbars somewhere in the future though, at the very least turn them into shareable resources.
  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
    Krita devs check this thread?
    Can we have symmetry tool activated for vector layers.  And be able to use transform tools to warp/deform the vector lines or shapes (in 2.9.7 it does this BUT it snaps back to original shape when you switch tools).
    Thank you.
  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    Symmetry for vector is possible, but we have a lot of things we want to do coming year, so if you could make a wishbug at bugs.kde.org under the product Krita, that'd be great.

    What you could do in the meantime is make a clone layer of the vector layer and add a transform mask to that.

    Transform is sadly not possible outside of using the deform brush. It's a long standing request but really not that easy.
  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    3.0 pre-alpha 3 is out! Check the first post for more info!
  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    I kinda skipped the official alpha here because that one turned out to be a bit buggy. So instead, here's the official beta! https://krita.org/item/krita-3-0-beta-builds-out/

    With over 80 bugfixes since the alpha, and a way more stable windows version in general due to building changes.

  • Pizdos
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    Pizdos triangle
    lotet said:
    sorry if this is a silly questions, but does Krita 3.0 have editable alpha channels now?
    that was pretty much the reason i had to keep using photoshop, as a texture artist I need to have control over my RBGA channels.
    That's what I miss also from Krita. The only way to manipulate alpha channel is via transparency mask and hope will be exported as you need, if you have multiple layers. I would love to can manipulate RGBA channels like in Photoshop also!

    But overall, congrats on release!
  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    How would you feel about a blend mode "Copy Red to Alpha?" So you would put all of your gloss layers or emissive mask layers in a group above your regular color layers where all of the layers are painted greyscale, optionally put a desaturate luminosity filter at the top of the group, and then the blending mode just puts that greyscale information in the alpha channel. That way you can use all of the regular blending modes instead of just having to rely on Normal and Erase blending modes.

    If other Krita devs and users think this is a good idea I can have this in my testing branch by tomorrow night probably.
  • RN
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    RN sublime tool
    I can't think of digital inking without using Krita and its awesome stroke smoothing\lazy mouse\pen stabiliser tool.

    One thing that I came accross recently that makes a lot of difference is that, to get a perfect stroke antialiasing like you do with Photoshop, you need to turn on the "Auto" checkbox for the brush spacing in the brush preset configuration window.
    It was implemented after a bug report on the subject: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=322839

    With that setting (I put the spacing value around 0.80 when it's on), plus the Default mask type at 0.98 fade (so really, almost no softening at all), with Antialising turned on obviously and Precision set to max. 5, you can get a pretty smooth stroke even with a varying brush size.

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Some issues I ran into :

    - Doesn't seem to work on a Cintiq set as secondary monitor 
    - Unable to undock documents
    - ctrl-spacebar scrub zoom behavior is inverted compared to Photoshop.
  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    pior said:
    Some issues I ran into :

    - Doesn't seem to work on a Cintiq set as secondary monitor 
    - Unable to undock documents
    - ctrl-spacebar scrub zoom behavior is inverted compared to Photoshop.
    1. That's really stranfe if it doesn't work for you as our maintainer develop tests it with a cintiq. Does this help? https://docs.krita.org/KritaFAQ#How_to_fix_a_tablet_offset_on_multiple_screen_setup_on_Windows
    2. Settings->configure Krita->general-> multiple document bahviour(afaik, not at laptop currently)->set tabbed to subwindows.
    3. This is known, you can make a wishbug at bugs.kde.org if it really bothers you. We haven't had anyone who was really bothered by it until now.

    Everyone else, I'm glad it is working so well. The channel editing thing is something that used to work but we had to deprecate the code at some point. We're not sure when we'll bring it back.
  • Defunct
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    Defunct polycounter lvl 11
    Is there a way to move just a selection without moving the selcted pixels?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    3. This is known, you can make a wishbug at bugs.kde.org if it really bothers you. We haven't had anyone who was really bothered by it until now.

    Well ... to be fair, it is probable that only a small number of Photoshop and Manga Studio users are actually trying out Krita, and dedicated Krita users not coming from Photoshop or Manga studio are probably used to the non-standard zoom behavior by now, so it's a bit of an endless cycle really. I just believe that adopting the standard way of doing things is a always good thing. But then there's also the question of existing patents that Adobe probably owns ... I suppose that this sort of stuff can get tricky quite quickly !
  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    Defunct said:
    Is there a way to move just a selection without moving the selcted pixels?
    Yes, but it's currently a bit involved. https://docs.krita.org/Selections#Global_Selection_Mask_.28Painting_a_Selection.29
    Basically, either you convert your selection to a vector selection and then move it with the vector tools. Or you show the global selection mas and move that with the transform tool. We hope to improve it in the future, but no idea when yet.
    pior said:
    3. This is known, you can make a wishbug at bugs.kde.org if it really bothers you. We haven't had anyone who was really bothered by it until now.

    Well ... to be fair, it is probable that only a small number of Photoshop and Manga Studio users are actually trying out Krita, and dedicated Krita users not coming from Photoshop or Manga studio are probably used to the non-standard zoom behavior by now, so it's a bit of an endless cycle really. I just believe that adopting the standard way of doing things is a always good thing. But then there's also the question of existing patents that Adobe probably owns ... I suppose that this sort of stuff can get tricky quite quickly !

    Actually, quite a few of these users also try out Krita if other problems are to be believed. We have a coming-from-ps guide for a reason :p
    No, it's rather, we as a open source dev team need to pick our battles. And we do that by instead of focussing on what other applications have, we focus on the workflow of the users we interact with. So when someone asks for a hotkey for zooming and describes the problem they're trying to solve with it, we implement it and go 'works?' and they go 'yes'. So if someone goes 'huh this is different from ps' and then goes 'eh, I'll live with it', we'll go 'ok, good'.

    But does the other stuff work for you? I'd be worried if it didn't.

  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    windows, 3.0 beta (git 25ecbaf)

    - created new images and went file -> create template from image and let it make a new category for them. now all the original templates are gone and mine don't seem to exist. throws can not find file error upon selecting them, program crashes

    - assigning hotkeys - the program checks if the hotkey in question is already in use, gives me a choice to reassign which i accept and... nada! how do i delete a default hotkey assignment anyway? this whole dialog confuses me.

    - switching between tabbed and subwindow mode via settings -> configure -> general -> window seems to only work sometimes. when set to subwindows, on next start program opens up with documents maximized. window controls are tiny and integrated far up in the top right interface corner. you need a magnifying glass to find and read those on a 27 inch, just saying. the canvas in my opinion needs to open up with a standard window title bar and controls.

    general things:
    - tooltips take a long time to pop up and i basically have to lift the pen from the tablet to make them show, they're that finicky.
    - is it possible for the user to replace brush icons by switching out image files somewhere in the krita tree? i'd like to have more instantly readable ones for my favourites in the right-click menu. not afraid of hacking it :)
    - is there a way to set brush opacity by holding down a key and dragging like you can for brush size with shift?
    - can you set hotkeys for specific brush presets? i seem to only have a hotkey to access the brush tool mode itself
    - can we choose the order of favourite brushes and which slot they appear in the right click menu? again, hacking it - no problem, do it all the time
    - how interchangeable are the preferences? can i make my favourite set on windows and copy over to an equivalent mac or linux version of krita and vice versa?

  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    The preferences are almost 100% interchangable, The biggest difference is the last opened files and the like, because of filepaths, obviously. The file in question is called 'kritarc' and you would preferably also move the whole resources folder.(settings->manage resources->open resource folder), which has tags in the tags folder as xml files.

    The rest of these are a mix of QT specific problems we can't do much about. (Weird subwindow mode, tooltips) actual bugs(shortcuts, templates) and things we can't figure out a good user interface for(assigning brush presets to hotkeys, ordering the favourite slots because the brush presets are defined per tags).

    I can't say anything about the opacity-drag modifier, as we started with a on-canvas brush editing thing, which was going to be something like this, but it transformed into something else UI wise. Either way, that'll be in 3.1.

    Brush file icons can be modified by going into the resource folder and drag-and-dropping the file into the krita window... but sadly in 3.0 we've been fighting epic battles with the file-recognition system(mime-types) and now kpp files aren't recognised as the pngs with too much meta-data that they really are.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    Wolthera said:

    I can't say anything about the opacity-drag modifier, as we started with a on-canvas brush editing thing, which was going to be something like this, but it transformed into something else UI wise. Either way, that'll be in 3.1.

    Brush file icons can be modified by going into the resource folder and drag-and-dropping the file into the krita window... but sadly in 3.0 we've been fighting epic battles with the file-recognition system(mime-types) and now kpp files aren't recognised as the pngs with too much meta-data that they really are.
    cheers for the tips!
    re: opacity-drag - ideally i think control for opacity and brush size should be available from the right click menu too, that's sometimes easier than grabbing hotkeys. looks like plenty of space to do something there (art-rage i think has a neat way of controlling that in its interface).

    i was wondering about the brushes - would it be possible then to create those in an older version of krita where this stuff still works? assuming that preferences can be migrated to newer versions.
  • fuzzzzzz
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    fuzzzzzz polycounter lvl 5
    Hey Wolthera, a feature i would appreciate to have in Krita is a hot reload, that check if the opened document as been update, and reload it instantly, or have to choice to not enable the hot reload ( like it is right now)
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    seems like when i did not understand what the hotkey dialog was up to, i actually stumbled over a known (KDE-wide?) bug: https://www.mail-archive.com/kde-bugs-dist@kde.org/msg38217.html

    several hits for that one in google.

  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    fuzzzzzz said:
    Hey Wolthera, a feature i would appreciate to have in Krita is a hot reload, that check if the opened document as been update, and reload it instantly, or have to choice to not enable the hot reload ( like it is right now)
    If you make a file layer inside a canvas, it'll automatically hot-reload. Hot reloading on a whole document is something that we cannot implement until there's an answer for every of the bazillions of usability and dataloss prevention issues that it would have. You're best off making a topic on the kde forums, so that you can discuss how to solve these issues, as suggested by the feature request guide.

    What you found is some automated mailing list mirror that copies the reports automatically sent from bugzilla to the bugs mailing list. There's several of them, and for some reason none of them tell google to stop indexing them.

    The kpp bug is fixed since this morning, but yes, you can try to open your files in an older version of krita(via drag-and-drop) and then paint on them. The rightclick settings menu will probably happen as is currently the plan.
  • RN
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    RN sublime tool
    Wolthera said:
    If you make a file layer inside a canvas, it'll automatically hot-reload. Hot reloading on a whole document is something that we cannot implement until there's an answer for every of the bazillions of usability and dataloss prevention issues that it would have.
    I'm not sure what software it was, but I remember the following behaviour.
    If the file was modified outside of the software (i.e its modification\creation time changed), when you came back to the software it would act in one of two ways: if the document had unsaved changes it would pop up a confirmation dialog asking if it should reload from the file or keep the document as it is, with its changes unsaved. If the document was saved and there were no changes, it would reload from the file directly.
  • fuzzzzzz
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    fuzzzzzz polycounter lvl 5
    Wolthera said:
    fuzzzzzz said:
    Hey Wolthera, a feature i would appreciate to have in Krita is a hot reload, that check if the opened document as been update, and reload it instantly, or have to choice to not enable the hot reload ( like it is right now)
    If you make a file layer inside a canvas, it'll automatically hot-reload. Hot reloading on a whole document is something that we cannot implement until there's an answer for every of the bazillions of usability and dataloss prevention issues that it would have. You're best off making a topic on the kde forums, so that you can discuss how to solve these issues, as suggested by the feature request guide.

    nice discovery, i didn't know that, very useful  and thank you for the tip Wolthera :)

  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    well, i still seem to have the problem outlined in the bugticket where some hotkeys just can't be overridden and the warning about ambiguous shortcut assignment pops up no matter what. there's also buttons that don't stay in the toolbar on application restart and some brushes seem to have redraw issues, too. will check again in a while to see how it shapes up.
    at any rate: nice painterly feeling in this app, keep it up!
  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    And... new builds, with amongst others a lot of shortcut and kpp-editing file fixes: https://krita.org/item/new-development-builds-ready/
    @Thomasp: The redraw issues might be due to instant preview, which is what makes the brushes fast. you can turn this off via view->instant preview.
    Buttons not staying in the toolbar is a new one. Can I tempt you to report a bug for that at bugs.kde.org?

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    @Wolthera  : For the sake of clarity I think would be best to provide a clearer environment for bug reporting - something like kde.org/krita, instantly showing a list of already reported bugs and suggestions without even having to register or log in. To someone not familiar with the fact the Krita is part of a bigger suite (KDE) the current system is quite confusing and may limit the amount of useful reports you are getting.

    Here is a good example of a feature request subforum :

    Being directed to a page that seemingly has no relationship to Krita certainly got me scratching my head for some time - the confusion mostly comes from the fact that KDE seems to be never mentioned on the Krita site.
  • scottpetrovic
    @pior That is a good idea to have a bug tracker that is focused on Krita. KDE is awesome with everything that it provides, but using the KDE bug tracker does feel a bit disconnected from the Krita brand.  KDE currently isn't setup to have a unique bug tracking system by product. This might change in the future, but we can only move so fast. This is a similar reason why we created the docs.krita.org area for learning. That was previously on a KDE.org site as well, but created the same type of confusion. For now it will probably have to stay, but might be something we can look into for the future. Bug reports really help out the developers, so any help with the current system would be awesome.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Totally yeah - and to be fair, the current system is probably decent enough (I can't quite tell since I haven't registered to that KDE tracking site just yet, but I suppose that it is functional). But indeed, it being behind this odd wall certainly makes it quite obscure to new users.

    Simply providing a link allowing unregistered users to check out the list of bug reports and feature requests would go a long way and would probably save a lot of time for everyone involved (for instance people reading this very thread could check the list to see if what they are about to report has been reported already).

    Or, things could be tackled the other way around, by clearly stating somewhere that Krita is part of KDE.

    Anyways - good luck !
  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    hm... would it then be an idea for me to add one of these two links to the first post? :


    https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=CONFIRMED&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&list_id=1354830&order=changeddate DESC,priority,bug_severity&product=krita&query_format=advanced

    The later one is a bit more intimidating, and also includes wishbugs, but it's also more comprehensive, I guess? But then, the top one also shows the last few commits... hm...

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I certainly find that second link very interesting, since it shows issues being worked on as well as feature requests in green. Definitely something that new users willing to contribute should read first. And that's also more welcoming and encouraging than just pointing to the main KDE page, since it cuts straight to the chase.

    That said, the fact that the tracker openly displays the email adresses of contributors is definitely an issue.

    None of the feedback forums for apps like Substance, 3DCoat or even Adobe products have such a requirement. Without a doubt this will deter quite a fair amount of users.
  • Wolthera
    Offline / Send Message
    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    pior said:
    I certainly find that second link very interesting, since it shows issues being worked on as well as feature requests in green. Definitely something that new users willing to contribute should read first. And that's also more welcoming and encouraging than just pointing to the main KDE page, since it cuts straight to the chase.

    That said, the fact that the tracker openly displays the email adresses of contributors is definitely an issue.

    None of the feedback forums for apps like Substance, 3DCoat or even Adobe products have such a requirement. Without a doubt this will deter quite a fair amount of users.
    You can thank Mozilla for that. It's their bugtracker software, and it's the best open source solution for a bugtracker software. We're looking into alternatives, but within Krita we are a really small team, and it's fortunate we're part of KDE(which is a open software community, not a suite, the difference is that there's more beer-drinking involved ;) ), so that we can use the KDE infrastructure. We would've burned out ages ago if we had to do all that by ourselves.

    If it's any help, you can't get access to people's emails if you aren't logged-in yourself though.(if you didn't make your nickname your email, that is)
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Totally yeah, I do understand that going for the best open source option makes total sense.

    My feedback is not so much about which tracker to use or not - I am really just trying to point out the issues I am running into so that you guys are aware of it :)

  • Wolthera
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    Wolthera polycounter lvl 5
    Yeah, sorry if I come accross as defensive, but I find it rude to leave people's concerns unanswered.

    Anyway, we're doing a kickstarter!


    We're trying to gather money for improved text and vector tools!

    This is our third kickstarter, the 2014 one funding a ton of features in 2.9(including layerstyles for psd support), the 2015 funding the instant preview and raster animation, and for this one, we want to replace our broken, overengineerd text tool with one that is geared towards artist's needs. Furthermore, we would like to improve our vector tools, both on the side of importing/exporting svg instead of odf, as well as improving vector tools themselves and getting the booleans in, etc.

    And of course, once we start hitting stretchgoals, you get to vote on those, like last two years!

  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
    pior said:
    That said, the fact that the tracker openly displays the email adresses of contributors is definitely an issue.

    None of the feedback forums for apps like Substance, 3DCoat or even Adobe products have such a requirement. Without a doubt this will deter quite a fair amount of users.
    That's totally something to be aware of specific to Krita.

    Months ago, there was a call for artist participants for the kickstarter (to do tutorials for stretch goals, for example).  Well, I signed up for it. The person I emailed later replied with all interested artist emails on CC instead of BCC.  Short time later, I got a diluge of spam from Euro addresses.  Even my own email address was used as proxy to spam me with attachments.

    I had to set up dozen of filters just to make my inbox readable.

    So...beware.  I definitely think spammers are exploiting those public lists that's connected to krita dev or their kickstarter project.
  • boudewijnrempt
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    boudewijnrempt polycounter lvl 5
    Aw, I'm really sorry that happened. It probably was a honest mistake, though, not ignorance of maliciousness: there is only one line difference where you paste the recipients addresses, and Irina usually is pretty good at things like using bcc instead of cc for big mails.  What happens next has nothing to do with our mailing list (kimageshop@kde.org) or anything "connected to the kickstarter project": someone on the recipient list will have had an infected system that sends out spam and email addresses on receipt of any email with juicy new addresses.
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