Is it possible to work on smart materials that auto update between different textures sets?
I am doing a set for Dota, containing 5 different models, each with a different texture set. Is it possible that I set for example a gold material on all the meshes and updating one could update all?
in another approach, is it possible to stack all the models on the same texture set but each one using a different UV space?
The only solution right now will be to delete and replace the smart material in your other texture sets.
Something that could link between different texture sets would be great. Anyways, Substance is working really well for Dota, thanks for the update
the shader is working great, just the tint specular by base color that is inverted and the metallic seams to be less shiny
black means using the base color to tint the specular
white means using the specular color for the the specular