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My First Demo Reel

this is my first demo reel and it my not be impressive but it is my first one so i am proud of it still :) one step in my career



  • KielFiggins
    Offline / Send Message
    KielFiggins polycounter lvl 8
    That's a good first reel Eric.  I'd recommend removing the cross fade transitions though.  Also, you can make playblasts look more appealing by not having the harsh dividing line of the ground plane.  Unless your casting shadows, remove the ground plan and don't use gradient backgrounds as they suffer more with video compression.

    Animation wise, I think you could benefit form shoting more video reference of you personally acting out these motions.  This will give you a much clearer idea of weight shifts and secondary.

    Good luck on your next reel.
  • Harrysmith64
    I'd get rid of that last shot. It's your weakest piece by far. I also think you need to work on the sense of weight with that big heavy shield the guy is carrying. When he slams it into the ground it looks pretty light and has no impact to it at all. I'd hedge a guess that you need to go back and look at the spacing of your frames for when it slams down. 

    Like Kielfiggins has said, shooting video reference does wonders for your animations. By acting it out you get a feel for how you move to perform the action, and you have an example there you can watch over and over again! Super helpful.

    Good luck with it!
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