Hi everyone!
Lets start from this that I'm a big fan of dRaster NEX - brilliant plugin which was implemented to Maya. But since few last versions of maya i sadly observe that Autodesk
castrates it's grate functionality. (mainly fast modeling operations with shift/ctrl/alt and LMB MMB and RMB
So the question is...
As we know maya have selection highlight of components (verts/edges...). In 2015 version i was able to move / move along normal (+CTRL) /slide (+SHIFT) any of each without selecting it (only by highlighting) using MMB. Now in 2016 I need first to click on component - next useless step to extend my pipeline.
I remember also that probably MMB+CTRL+SHIFT was a shotcut for EXTRUDE and another to BEVEL. They also presently dont work.
Is this intentional work of Autodesk to kill fastest modeling maya's plugin or im blind and dont see these options.
Please help
if I understand your issue correctly: there is a functionality called "Tweak Mode" which lets you MMB move components without any need for manipulators/switching modes, etc. It can be enabled from the tool settings of from the modeling toolkit.
Left mouse button instantly selects and moves what is below the cursor. Together with soft selection, it can be pretty handy.
I don't remember any bevel shortcut, but border edges can be extrude inside the Quad Draw tool by hitting the Tab key and dragging an open edge. Depending on whether you use MMB or LMB and the tool settings, it lets you either extrude one edge or a whole loop.