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Answered: Latest version crashes when assigning a material to an ID from the layer checkbox

polycounter lvl 3
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aintnobody polycounter lvl 3
I upgraded to the latest version yesterday morning and since then when I assign a material to an ID from the layer checkbox it, every other time, crashes. Some layers or folders are ok to assign to id, and never crash, and other ones systematically crash.
It wasn't doing that the few days prior before I upgraded, but then again I wasn't yet familiar with assigning materials to ID.


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    That's indeed a strange issue! Have you tried assigning materials to color IDs from 3DO instead? Inside of 3DO, press and hold C, and then pick the color you'd like to mask with. Let me know if that crashes.
  • aintnobody
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    aintnobody polycounter lvl 3
    Oh yes, I forgot to mention it doesn't crash when assigning a new material to an ID from the 3DO viewer. When creating a material, that's usually when I assign material to an ID, from 3DO, but sometimes I change my mind after and want to switch a material to another ID, that's when I do it from the layer/folder checkbox but that crashes about 50% of the time.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I'm not entirely sure why it's doing that! Are you working from a project created in Suite 2 or with a project that originated with Suite 1.8? I ask because we need to see if we can narrow down what the issue is. Was your ID map a *.PNG or was it a different format?
  • aintnobody
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    aintnobody polycounter lvl 3
    I only got started using Quixel 4 or 5 days ago, I was definitely on Quixel 2.0, though not sure which exact version, might have been the one just before 2.1.0

    Oh and yes, my ID map was a PNG. 

    Also, I was wondering, do you need to keep the ID map and mesh file (OBJ, FBX, or DAE) in the same locations, or it doesn't matter if you delete them or move them around, for the purpose of re-opening the project later ? Does the .xml file store all that information or something ?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I would definitely keep them in the same location if only for the project.xml's benefit of knowing where the input maps are at any given time, should you need to re-render your project.

    A quick test I'd like you to try is creating a new project with the same input maps and see if the IDs cause problems with your new project. Would that be okay with you? If that still causes issues, please send your project to me (uploaded via filedropper.com) to jonathan @ quixel . se
  • aintnobody
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    aintnobody polycounter lvl 3
    Woah, weirdly enough, I was just opening a new project with the same mesh and same ID map, and when I first tried to apply a material on an ID from the 3DO viewer, it just gave another "The suite has crashed" error message (forgot to screencap it). Then it froze the 3DO viewer and crashed Photoshop. That's new from before where it only crashed the Quixel suite and I was able to close 3DO myself.

    So then I created a new project again, same mesh and ID map, applied a material without picking from ID in 3DO, didn't crash, applied another material to an ID in 3DO, didn't crash, went and re-assigned IDs from the folder checkboxes, didn't crash, switched IDs back and forth a couple of times, didn't crash.

    So, same mesh and ID map, sometimes it crashes, sometimes it doesn't. Of course now that I'm doing further testing of other projects that crashed all the time yesterday, they don't crash anymore (only 2 or 3 times tonight) and I don't know which project to send anymore. It's like it's messing with me now. I will send you files as soon as it starts crashing seriously again.
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