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Half Life 2 Remastered area

polycounter lvl 3
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Maenar polycounter lvl 3
Hey guys so I've been working on a uni assignment recently to revamp an area from a game 8-15 years old, i chose half life, as ive been eagerly awaiting no.3 for a long time!! so here it is, any feedback or crit would be more than welcome! thanks :)


If youd like to see beauty shots and wireframey stuff feel free to ask :) or if you have any questions


  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    hmmmm I dont remember that spot from Halflife 2, it has been too long ago. But I would guess that it did look better. Not because of technical limitations like polycounts and textureres, i am pretty sure your stuff is higher res in all regards. But in terms of mood, lighting, shading.
    To be honest, your remastered area looks dated already. The lighting and shading is really really 90ies CG quality, not sure if the assets themselves are an issue but I bet that proper lighting, with baked GI would push the whole thing a lot. You got literally no bouncelight in your scene, shadows are black and flat. You got no points of interest, just floating lightbulbs screaming for attention.

    Once that is solved you could take another look on the assets, like the floor is just a plane. you should consider giving the sand on it some depth. And then i would check proportions, it feels off by a fair margin. I can't really say what it is, but the proportions and boxy construction of most parts of the scene just feel so oldschool gamey, everything looks so stuff stuffed together, nothing feels really integrated in the scene. If you want to maintain that, then just update the lighting and shading, it should be cool.

    But right now, it doesn't feel like a remaster but more like people might remember halflife 2, technically better than the original but definitely not more appealing.

    This may sound crushing, you put a fair deal of work into this. now polish it and make it shine :)
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