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Proprietary Format .ERF

TLDR: What is the best way to access the plain data of a binary .STL?

This one is kind of a combo of modelling and software (exporting) help.

I'm exporting models from one video game for use in another, but my big problem I'm having is that the models in the original game were saved as a proprietary format, called .ERF (Microsoft is the developer, if that helps).

I have a good amount of 3D modelling knowledge, so I opened the .ERF file in Notepad to see if there was any plain text that would hint at the way the data is stored. It turns out it was a bunch of alphabet soup, but I noticed several key patterns that recurred throughout the file.

Then I compared the document to other popular file types as viewed through notepad, and it seems that it shares many characteristics with the binary .STL file type. See attached image for the side-by-side comparison between the .ERF and binary .STL.

My question is, what is the best way to now access the CAD data that's in the .ERF file. I am hesitant to try to modify it in notepad, because I know that the metadata of the file may be changed in the process. What is the best way to access the plain data of a binary .STL?

Side by side comparison:

Also if anyone is interested in helping, I can send a sample .ERF file and a picture of the geometry that it is supposed to represent.


  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    a) notepad isn't really going to help, you need to be looking in a hex editor, that's just notepad trying to parse binary data. I can guarantee there won't be a similarity with .stl.

    b) does the game have modding tools already? Be careful about sharing what you've ported, that's a no-no.

    c) if not, try searching the net for "erf 3d model format" or similar for homebrew tools.
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