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Answered: Cannot Select Output Maps

polycounter lvl 2
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Polyghan polycounter lvl 2
Hey guys, I'm trying to use the Quixel Suite for the Creation Engine, which is a last-gen engine with a metalness-like map called "environment mask". In this case, I would need to have diffuse, normal, specular, and metalness in a last-gen calibration.

However, I'm not able to change the output masks. The "x" box next to each map as well as the "Add more channels" button are both invisible, and when I click where they were, I get a "This function is temporarily disabled" message. Is this recent? When will I be able to select the output maps again? I can't start texturing until I can.



  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    The current workflow in the Suite is to create your base maps with an engine preset that's close to the desired output. Once you've done that, add or remove maps within the main dDo window by clicking in the dropdown menu at the top right and select "Delete Active Map" or "Add New Map" and select the map you desire.

    You can absolutely start texturing in the meantime! :smile: Just follow the above and you're good to go. The ability to change maps at base creation will be added soon. Our apologies for the inconvenience!
  • Polyghan
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    Polyghan polycounter lvl 2
    I actually found that workaround recently. I'm liking the Suite 2.0 so far. :)

    Is this new workflow a chosen because you prefer it, or because you're working on fixing that menu? Will the "older" workflow (selecting it in the Base Creator) be available to those who wish to use it soon? The current method seems a bit "hacky" to me, personally.

    Thanks for the quick reply!
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    It's definitely not a hack or anything close to it! It's normal Suite functionality - you can add or remove maps as you wish, otherwise you'd be stuck with the maps you chose when you created your project. The ability to add maps upon base creation is temporarily disabled for now because it needs to be refined a bit. It should be returning in an update sooner rather than later. :smile: 
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