Home Contests & Challenges Archives Company of Heroes 2: WAR PAINT contest

[WIP] Royal Scots Greys, Dapple Grey - British set

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So I thought I would try my hand at this considering I do textures for a mod of another ww2 game including tank camo's.

Originally I was going to do an Italian front type Camouflage set for the British. Until I stumbled upon something quite unique.

Which in colour after some research probably looked something like this.

They were essentially making their version of the similar German Ambush pattern. Now most people seem to agree on these colours during my research. A few of you historians may think the Green is a bit strange it should be a darkish panzer grey type colour. But here's the story. The Scots greys were the last British cavalry division to get their horses replaced by tanks. And when they did get all their tanks the Commander decided to have them painted entirely Grey to reflect their heritage. Montgomery who is a middle class infantry general didn't quite like the idea of that and ordered them repainted with camouflage patterns. Without clarifying how exactly it should be done. All the Scots greys had for reference was a few black and white photos of other tanks with the correct camo patterns + plenty of paint. So the majority of the scots greys tanks ended up Green and khaki as opposed to Grey and Khaki. In Sicily is when those spots appeared after seeing German tanks with a similar pattern and the scots greys tank crews had so much practice with painting by this time.

Will post some WIP pics soon.


  • georider
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    georider polygon
    That cammo patern for Sherman Firefly have been done by starback
  • Lemonater47
    Well shit I thought I looked through lol. Would you mind linking it here? I cannot seem to find it anywhere.

    Edit: I just look all through Starbuck's (there is no Starback) stuff and this camo is not on the workshop. There is also no thread about it here. So what are you on about exactly? He's done a lot of stuff yes but not that pattern. So as far as I'm concerned it's fine if I make it.

  • georider
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    georider polygon
    He made the sheik tank as firefly so you can try such cammo pattern but you can't use the "sheik", his skinpack is in workshop. There are plenty of references regarding British division in Italian Front , in fact I had made some cammo patterns back in coh1 , they have some differences due to patterns British and general comonwelth forces used in NW Europian Front. Durring Sicilia operation they still used cammo patterns from desert theatre of operation after they applied a more suitable cammo for Italian landscape, durring Salerno and Anzio Landings but after 44 they used the armor patterns that came out the factory , baced on Drab color. The majority of Allied Tanks used Drab color after 43-44 and the cammo patterns that seen in references is some that painted in the field of operations. I.e Polish 1st AD in Italy used stripes dark green above the basic drab , Goldstream guards after Market Garden applied some patterns by vehicle crew, the most knowing factory pattern for British was "mikey mouse" that applied only in light vehicles and armored cars .
  • Lemonater47
    Well I wasn't gonna use Sheik exactly there are images of 3 other tanks with the same pattern. The Bramham moor, Repulse and Renown. Not to mention other unidentified tanks. I wasn't actually gonna stick a name on it and was gonna have the pattern for all British tanks. "Based" on history for this competition not exactly like history lol. Those dots also faded fast it seemed. Water based paint possibly.
  • georider
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    georider polygon
    mostly yes it was a custom cammo , so ok you can try that , but take a look at workshop , in our work so no conflict your work with others. I mean it's OK since you will provide with your point of view and your pattern wont be a copy paste of other users.
  • Starbuck
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    Starbuck polycounter lvl 2

    Here's the link to the skin pack that contains that camo. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=525871988

    However, by all means, do it!  I actually removed the "Sheik" from the curated version of my Brit skinpack just because it didn't really match the green theme I had for all the other vehicles. 

  • georider
    Offline / Send Message
    georider polygon
    :) here you go Lemon .  you have a green light ;) , good luck !
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