A little while back, I spent several months working on... Basically rocks. Lots and lots of rocks.
During that time I created several ZBrushes for myself to make the process more efficient.
I decided to polish them up and release them on Gumroad as a package for others to benefit from, so here we are.
This package includes several brushes for ZBrush, focused on sculpting stone surfaces.

Erosion - Creates the appearance of a rough and eroded surface. Useful for very old stone exposed to the elements.

IMM Crystals - An insert multi-mesh brush with several sharp and jagged stone meshes which will protrude from the surface. Useful for kit-bashing together clusters of ice or crystal.
Stone Gouge - Carves out a smooth and rounded gouge from the surface. Useful for stylized stone surfaces or craters.
Stone Layers - Shave away or add on rough and jagged layers. Useful as a grittier alternative to Trim Adaptive
You can get it
here on Gumroad.
I'd love to hear any feedback on it.