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Blood Evolution (1997 Blood game remake) Looking for artists

Hey guys 
I'm currently looking for artists to help out with my project Blood Evolution I'm looking to do what interceptor-entertainment did with duke reloaded a sort of re-envisioning of the classic title I need help creating the art for the game as I'm the only artist at the moment. I've worked on Assualt armoury (mod), Duke Nukem Reloaded, Rise Of The Traid, 1187 (half life 2 mod), No More Room In Hell and Critical Point: Incursion.This title i'll will be releasing free to play and once I have a working game with all the content included (sounds/code/textures .ect) I will be releasing DLC for a money afterwards . If you are interested in Joining me on this endeavour e-mail me at : dirthenning@hotmail.com 


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