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BB8 - Star Wars fan art

polycounter lvl 5
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harry1511 polycounter lvl 5
I am sure you guys have seen many different version of BB8 on the web, so I hope my own recreation of this newest droid does not bore you. For this piece, I aim for a more current gen look, so polycount is medium. Also, I try to be faithful to the original one as much as possible. C & C are always welcomed.



  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    oooooh interesting... So something you could do to avoid the harsh highlight directly below his "head", would be to duplicate the bottom sphere and scale it outward a tiny amount. give it a completely black material with no reflections at all, and then alpha it so that it creates a false permanent shadow at the top of the sphere under the "head".

    That way you could have this thing animated/have the bottom sphere rotated in any configuration and the shadow would always remain static in relation to the head.
  • harry1511
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    harry1511 polycounter lvl 5
    @ Almighty: thanks for the feedback, it is surely an inventive way to fix that "highlight", I will try for sure. :smile: 
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