Tried posting this earlier but it disappeared somehow. Would love feedback on this guy. This is my first character, using Blender and Substance Painter. He's about 80,000 tri's now which I know is high but won't be too hard to lower him. I'm having to re-do the mesh because I didn't take into account the deformation of the animations when I rigged him -__- I've attached the in-progress updated version of his face as well.

I miss a lot of anatomical structure. I think you could really benefit by practice sculpting figures. The character looks floaty to me. The pose is weightless and there seems to be no physics with regards to stretching and pressure of the costume which misses volume. The structure and the physics is what helps your character look more real and expressive. Without those elements a figure can look doll like. The head looks unpainted at the moment. Its just my opinion, but if you are making a personal piece then its good to sculpt everything underneath as if the model could be used naked. Not only does this help the clothed and hared up character, its just plain good practice and will show your clients/employer that you know your stuff.
The best way to progress with a wip thread is to show the basic sculpt with figure rotation and untextured so you can get crits before everything is finished and other artists can help you with development. Looks to me you are aware of character traits and I think with some intensive figure practice you will be unstoppable!
Tried to rework it, starting with his body to hopefully feel a little more physically accurate and not "floaty." As soon as you said that it ruined him for me haha. I've kept the detail low to save myself time if I still need to make major adjustments.