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Star wars first order helmet

polycounter lvl 7
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Great_OZ polycounter lvl 7

The finished model.. :)

Hey guys. im currently modeling the first order helmet but got stuck in the progress.
i dont know how i can add the small detail. I can't make it work with floaters or the bend modifier. is it posible by making an Zbrush alpha in 3DS max? Does anyone know an solution for this?
here's the details i mean. 

This is my progress.


  • HashBrownHamish
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    HashBrownHamish polycounter lvl 5
    The detail si fairly small so you could just model it and have it float above the model and bake it down into your textures
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ny-M4QRGFN8  as such
  • Oliveiro
    the proportions of the helmet are not good. It should be more horizontal, yours is too high. And about the details, if I understand it correctly, you are modeling it in  Max? if so import to Zbrush and add it. Then simply mask the shape you want and extract it. ( I am suggesting Zbrush because you mentioned it about alphas, but I do not find it effective to create it with them, so i think with extracting you will get the right result)
  • Great_OZ
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    Great_OZ polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the reply guys. 
    Hashbrownhamish: yes the details are small. but the helmet got an sphere shape. That make's it very difficult to make a floater on top of that in my opinion.

    Oliveiro: actually i havent been using Zbrush before. but am i wrong when i import the helmet into zbrush and make's it to a dynamesh and then making a mask on it? when i do that i just cant get fine hardsurface lines. any suggestions?
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    Just mask and extract the details as floaters will do. You will get same surface as the helmet underneath. Or  use that brush to conform/bend the floater to the subtool behind.
  • Dan Powell
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    Dan Powell polycounter lvl 5
    If you're going to bake it down to a low poly object, then you could always do it in Quixel Suite (nDo).

    Could you post a Wireframe of the control cage/low poly object before Subdivision? 
  • Great_OZ
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    Great_OZ polycounter lvl 7
    Pyrzern: i'll try that.
    Dan: yes im going to make a low poly for it aswell. but still needs an height difference than that helm surface.
    Here's the model with wireframe.

  • Great_OZ
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    Great_OZ polycounter lvl 7
    finally i managed to make the little floater in the right proportions thanks to you guys advices. thanks allot! :)
    i will let Ndo do the rest of the small detailing. 
    I have tried to make the helmet a little bit more horizontal aswell.
    please let me know if you guys got any idears or critique for the helmet.
    some highpoly pics of the helmet:

  • Great_OZ
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    Great_OZ polycounter lvl 7
    Hey guys. i have some quistions.
    i have made my lowpoly mesh and made the UVW and baked the Normals map and that is a really bad bake. and i figures you that there is some problems some places. do i have to go back i the process and straghten out the problems and redo the Smoothing groups and the do the UVW all over again and bake a new one? is there another way which is faster than do every thing over again?
    heres so pic's of what i mean.

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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    Some of those problems look like you need to flip your green channel. The warping usually comes from when the geometry in your lowpoly doesn't match close enough to your highpoly. What does your lowpoly look like?
  • Great_OZ
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    Great_OZ polycounter lvl 7
    thanks Bardler. i'm gonna look into that. i was using a cage to make the normals map inside 3Ds max
    here's my lowpoly model without the normal map. i tried to play a little around with the Smoothing groups 

  • Great_OZ
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    Great_OZ polycounter lvl 7
    Just to wrap this threat up i will show you my end result of the helmet. im pretty happpy :)
    what do you guys think ? :)

  • TheKlu
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    TheKlu polycounter lvl 9
    Great_OZ said:
    Just to wrap this threat up i will show you my end result of the helmet. im pretty happpy :)
    what do you guys think ? :)

    Amazing stuff there!
  • Great_OZ
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    Great_OZ polycounter lvl 7
    @TheKlu thank you very much :)
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