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Solved: dDo Material ID "Links" button not showing

polycounter lvl 6
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Stu2Prof polycounter lvl 6
I am using quixel Suite 2.0 with Adobe Photoshop CS4.
I am looking at the following Quixel tutorial where a "Links" button is appearing beside the Material ID section.


I have tried this myself and am not seeing any button. I have tried right-clicking as well but that only opens a box to import a replacement material. I have tested this with TGA and PNG files. Can someone assist? 

What I am seeing on my desktop:

Thank you for any time you spare


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey Studtoprof - this is a tutorial for Suite 1.8. The workflow has changed a bit since then. You'll assign groups and individual layers to color IDs by pressing and holding C in 3DO and clicking on the desired color. You can assign a new material with this method as well by holding SHIFT with C, and then clicking on a color ID. The smart material browser will open and you can pick the desired appearance of that ID. :smile:

    It's also possible to assign IDs from DynaMask, although it's significantly faster to assign materials directly in the 3DO viewport.

    Try out the new Suite 2 Workflow Primer - it should cover this and way more! :smiley: 
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