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Answered: Save As Option for Alternate Projects?

Hi guys, just wondering if there's a way to save my project as another name, so i can make adjustments to it without bloating my projects?

There's only a Save option, no Save As.

I'm making some game textures, and for alternative colours and variations, rather than duplicating my layers and naming them, i'd rather save the project as a new file and alter it separately.

I figure this will also help lower the file size and improve performance.


I tried just copying the directories and changing the file names and editing the XML file, changing the paths etc, which worked, but i deleted the preview dir (too much stuff to rename), and it then failed to render 3DO properly and i was unable to re-render it.

I might be missing something?


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey S13N1 - "Save As" should be returning soon. In the meantime, there's a few different options for getting around this.

    1. Duplicate a paint layer (not the entire group), turn off the old paint layer, change the color. The performance impact should be minimal for color layers. :smile:

    2. Duplicate the paint layer inside of Photoshop for as many paint layers as you need in your Albedo channel, and give each one a unique color for the amount of variants you need. dDo will understand that you're working with Photoshop layers - just make sure you take out the ID tag in the layer (usually named uHxhRw or something vaguely similar) and call it something you can easily pick out in the layer stack. If you need a custom reflectance value for each paint variant, option 1 is a better choice.
  • s13n1
    Cheers, thanks for your help!

    I think option 1 is best until Save As returns.
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