I am running into an issue with a character I am building, the skin is looking incredibly rough and unnatural. I am basing the material off of the "A Boy and His Kite" demo that was released recently from the GDC presentation.
Here's what it looks like in the editor:
I have a Subsurface Profile being used on the character, with the default settingsScatter Radius - 1.2
The Opacity is being driven by a texture map defining the thickness of the features.I have a single spot light on the head, with an cubemap to fill in some of the lighting.
Here are the spotlight settings:

Here's what I have for the normal map settings. I have tried this with a
tga, png, exr, and tiff (converted to psd) file formats, all of them net the same result.

For those that are curious, here's a close up of the sculpt in Zbrush
If I have a setting set incorrectly, I'd love to know! And, if anyone knows good resources for skin tutorials, I'd be grateful for a link!