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Answered: Photoshop GPU Preferences

It seems that Quixel is disabling the Photoshop GPU preference "Use Graphics Processor".  Am I wrong?  Is that correct behavior? 

Backstory:  I enable the GPU then work with Quixel Suite 2.0, then upon restarting Photoshop, the GPU will be disabled?  Is there a recommended setup with regards to Photoshop preferences?

Also, should I enable fast processing?  What does this do "under the hood"?

Window 10 64 Bit
NVidia GTX 980
Photoshop CC 2015
Quixel Suite 2.0.4


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    The Suite optimizes Photoshop for its own purposes when you run it. :smile: There's no need to worry about preferences while using the software. A bigger concern will be your scratch drive. I would suggest dedicating a cheap SSD (60GB or so) to Photoshop specifically for scratch operations to improve performance across the board, regardless of using the Suite or Photoshop.

    I've asked Teddy for an explanation of "Fast processing mode", as it appears to be a legacy setting from Suite 1.8. :smile: It should be enabled by default.
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