Hello all,
I am a first year student in game development. For my 3D exam I need to create a lowpoly city scene (based on cities in Italy,Spain ,China, Japan or in London) with a vehicle, a tree, 3 diffrent buildings (a bar/restaurant/pub, shop, shop that sells food). This is what I got so far, any feedback?4
Note: The tree and most of the 'floor' textures are very WIP. But all the buildings and other props are considerd finished. I am planning to add some more props (like electric cables, lamps) soon. And the tree you see in the scene is a basic 3ds max tree, still busy modeling my own one.

The scene is looking nice, and not much of feedback apart from the feedback already added on sketchfab I can add to this scene.
Maybe when you got some spare time make the ivy hanging from the houses into meshes instead of into the texture.
Make a plane with about 10 ivy leaves on and just throw them around a little to add some more depth in them.
Could also be handy to post a screenshot here to attract more people.
Keep it up!
quick google search