It's time for our first contest since the launch of SUITE 2! Now that the two great heavyweights of space are back, let's celebrate with a Star Trek vs Star Wars art competition: Get ready for Scifiathlon 2016! The focus is on developing amazing textures with the SUITE, so let's see what you guys can do!
We'll be judging art in several categories based on the quality of texturing - individuals and teams may compete. The categories are:
- Environments
- Vehicles
- Weapons
- Characters
The rules are simple:
- Make anything in the universe of Star Wars or Star Trek within your chosen category.
- Enter solo or team up, max 4 members per team.
- You may use existing assets as long as they are fully re-textured in Suite 2. Remember that it's texturing quality we're judging!
- No polycount or texture resolution restrictions, but keep it sane!
The contest begins right now, December 26th! It will run for six weeks, and a competition trial will be available in case you don't own a copy of SUITE 2.

Just contact me via jonathan @ quixel . se with your preferred e-mail and we'll set up a trial license for you.
We're running the competition in the
Tools Group. Create your own thread with the tag
#scifiathlon2016, this will ensure that your entry counts in the contest. Use your thread for posting works-in-progress, references and inspiration, and general critique. One entry per person or per team.
Final submissions must be videos or still images.
- Prizes will be awarded per category, with a grand prize winner for the best texturing work!
- Grand prize (overall winner): $1,000 gift card of your choice. Three commercial licenses of Quixel SUITE 2. Quixel hoodie & t-shirt.
- First place (per category): Two commercial licenses of Quixel SUITE 2. Quixel hoodie & t-shirt.
- Second place (per category): Commercial license of SUITE 2. Quixel hoodie.
This is all about having some fun with the new tools as a community, so let's make this an enjoyable experience together!

Anyhow, i would love to join this as a envo artist. But atm i wont have a PC untill the end of Januari!
Good Luck to everyone!
If you do get a chance to join up, we'd love to see what you make!
looking forward to see lots of great entries
Here is the link :