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Solved: Rerender Project resizes all maps to 1px

I'm not sure what's going on here, but Suite seems to be completely broken.

One of my dynamasks wasn't rendering correctly so I tried rerendering the project, but that just resized all of the maps to 1 x 1. I reverted the changes and attempted to regenerate the dynamask by using the preset I had started with, but that didn't work either, since the dynamask is now stuck at 1 x 1. (Restarted PS and Suite to no effect)

Next I threw up my hands and deleted the smart material I was working on and attempted to reimport it from a preset of it I had exported earlier, but now whenever I attempt to import a smart material I only get the first two materials of it and they're empty, and not grouped. (Restarted PS and Suite to no effect)

I closed everything again and updated PS (since it's been a few months since I let CC update): no effect. Next I reinstalled Suite 2.0.4: no effect. At this point I think my next step is to do a clean install of PS and Suite. Please send help.

(Side note, other than this complete breakdown I've been impressed with the improvements in Suite 2.0 and it's been much more stable than previous versions.)


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