Initial modelling. I modeled the barrel first so I could base the Z scale on it.
Grip, rails, minor detailing, and stock
Sights, Trigger, and initial charging handle, as well as a bazillion other smaller things
a bunch of other stuff, nearly final excepting the bipod and the sight
Final modelling shot. Added the bipod and scope.
and that's that. Tell me what you think. Is there anything you guys can think of to improve it at this step?
I think the model's really missing some curvature. It looks really blocky at the moment. One thing that really caught my eye are the side rail covers, I'm not sure if you've even modeled the rail itself but the things on the side are rail covers and obviously they're supposed to be curved. Anyway, these rail covers are usually curved, you've modeled them completely flat. Not to mention the rail cover itself is missing detail, would you add those in the normal map? I've found that modeling details is a lot easier than trying to look for the detail in the normal map and then trying to compensate for distortion and etc.
Not sure I like the sound of this. I'll give it a try but I'm fairly sure it's going to look terrible.
What sort of detail do you think I should add to the covers? I'm open to suggestions.
EDIT: for the lol's, I modelled it with curvy rail covers (and details). Let me know if it looks better like this or the way I had it originally. Of course it's only half-assed but it can be rapidly improved if it looks good.
Started the texturing process with UVing (of course) and put it through Quixel. Soon I'll be making my final texture changes with Substance Painter and photoshop:
Grip, rails, minor detailing, and stock
Sights, Trigger, and initial charging handle, as well as a bazillion other smaller things
a bunch of other stuff, nearly final excepting the bipod and the sight
Final modelling shot. Added the bipod and scope.
and that's that. Tell me what you think. Is there anything you guys can think of to improve it at this step?
Not sure I like the sound of this. I'll give it a try but I'm fairly sure it's going to look terrible.
What sort of detail do you think I should add to the covers? I'm open to suggestions.
EDIT: for the lol's, I modelled it with curvy rail covers (and details). Let me know if it looks better like this or the way I had it originally. Of course it's only half-assed but it can be rapidly improved if it looks good.
Please, let me know what you think and how to improve it.