Sketchfab link:

Hi guys!
Started this project about 2 weeks ago, been doing the high poly modeling ever since, that part's done now.
Currently making the low resolution model, and soon headed into the baking progress

Some more info:
this is an assignment for school, we had to recreate a full face-covering helmet, based on existing designs. I chose a classic MICH Army helmet, with bullet proof goggles and a phantom oxygen mask.
More updates comming very soon, as I'm looking to finish this project (game ready model with PBR texturing) in the comming week.
Feel free to leave some feedback in the meantime!
finished the baking, turned out decently in my opinion, feedback is always appreciated
Now headed into texturing, but still have to bake an AO.
Baked the AO's today, first picture is low poly + normal + AO, second one is without AO.
Only viewport screenshots, so quality isn't that good...
EDIT; Some of you might think the AO doesn't really do that much in this case (I did at first), but I think It helps to define a lot of the shapes that are not in the silhouette, clear example: the front plate/mount (on the helmet) stands out way more with the AO applied.
Any feedback much appreciated guys
If you have any feedback, please leave it below
in the images, there's already a cubemap setting up the reflections, but it just wasn't visable, I included some shots with it visable.
Pretty much done with the texturing, these are quick shots from the sketchfab viewport. Decent renders from unreal are comming soon.
Feel free to take a look at it in 3D over at sketchfab:
Feedback is still much appreciated. Still some time left to make some texturing changes.