Finished game animation track with iAnimate. Cut a new reel with workshop animations and some other animations done outside of workshop. 6 seconds shorter, 25% more content, 100% more humor. Was brisket, now steak, and hopefully Kobe one day. there's any glitches I missed please let me know so I can fix it fore public consumption
I see no big glitches: in with a bang, out with a bang, dope soundtrack, contact info is where it needs to be, good length, high quality rendering throughout (from iAnimate I guess) so the viewer gets to focus on what is important, the animation. Something you might want to think about is having what you were responsible for burned in to the video itself so that's clear even if someone does not see the description for whatever reason.
Animation: what my untrained eye sees in your clips is a lot of fun and a lot of polish! Inspiring as hell
So, very very good! But don't get lazy, keep going for that Kobe
This just solidified my decision to take that course, haha.
Feels nice to call it done. After the holidays I'll start with the backlog of weekly themes from before and try some creature stuff.
Happy Holidays yall!