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Idris Elba : Likeness Study

polycounter lvl 5
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Anthricus polycounter lvl 5
Hi All,

Trying to practice my anatomy with a likeness study over the last month or so.

Been constantly comparing to my reference and reworking this as i go but ive gone blind to how i need to fix it.



Any critique would be awesome! please let me know what you think :)


  • mikezoo
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    mikezoo polycounter lvl 14

    Nice start. You got some good shapes in there. Whats your goal with this likeness study? Currently it looks like your caught in the middle ground between stylized and realism.  You haven't pushed the sculpt enough in either direction, so i cant be sure if your going for a realistic bust or a stylized look. 

    If I were to recommend some reading, check out all the books by Philippe Faraut. There's a wealth of knowlage in there about portrait study and capturing likeness. Regardless what your style your going for, realism, stylized; your going to be able to translate all this knowledge into your sculpting. Its fantastic. you'll love it. 

    oh, and on a sidenote if you need some Idris Elba rapping over some british christmas music
  • Anthricus
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    Anthricus polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for the comment (& the rapping :P)

    The eventual aim is to go fully realistic but I wanted to get some feedback before I start piling on the secondary skin details and wrinkles.

    How do you think I should go about heading towards that realistic angle?

    And are there any main shapes you think I should really re analyze before I head further.

    I will make sure to take a look at those books! Il pick them up over the Christmas period as I'm free from work :)

    Cheers again, I really appreciate the help mate!
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