I saw some companies`s job section (mostly looking for FX), and most of them requires the candidate to know how to use Unity or UE4, you guys know why? I think you can do a pretty decent work using blender for fx.
Effects have to work in real-time in the game engine. So the game editor is the best place to make them. Outside tools are sometimes used to make pre-rendered animations, like fluid effects or large explosions.
Yea apps like Max/Maya/Blender/etc. are often used to create flipbook effects, but nearly everything beyond that is going to need to be done in-engine. Naughty Dog for instance is using Houdini for some flipbook effects in Uncharted4 (like the fire seen in the e3 demo when Drake was stuck under the flipped jeep), iirc.
I see. If I have a simple effect like this one on Blender Game Engine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEiKX_xXTVQ , is it possible to export this effect to a 3d environment? or this type of effect is just useful in 2D Games/Videos.
You can export it as a flipbook, or a sprite sheet. But it's usually better to reproduce things like this using the in-game particle system. A flipbook is memory-hungry, so it should be used sparingly, for effects you can't do with regular in-game particles.
Probably that company would have to use the Blender Game Engine for their game, there are not a lot of games created with BGE. I think they will even drop the engine in the near future, even though I like the idea of having it integrated.
Naughty Dog for instance is using Houdini for some flipbook effects in Uncharted4 (like the fire seen in the e3 demo when Drake was stuck under the flipped jeep), iirc.