I have Mudbox 2015 and I was most of the way finished with my work for a job.
I decided I wanted to bake the ambient and sculpt detail onto the version onto my model which is lower poly.
The extraction Operation didn't work. You can see both attempts in the object list panel to the side but they can't be removed. Additionally the highest lvl of subdivided geometry is now missing part of the model.
I get the error in the mudbox log which is attached to this post.Things I have tried: - I have tried converting the .bak file into a .mud, no fix.
- Additionally have attempted to delete the highest lvl with the error, no fix.
- Also making a new one to replace the old one, no fix
- Deleting sculpt detail layers doesn't resolve it.
- I also can't delete the attempts at extraction operation which failed.
Other things of interest:- If I delete all folders plus all texture layers I do not get an error during export, however...
When I attempt to upload the model to the platform the client has requested...
I get missing detail error...

However... when I export from mudbox > Blender 3D it imports without error. I use Blender to simply import the file as .fbx and export as .dae ( collada ) as required by the Second Life platform.
Additionally when moving up to highest subdivision level this error occurs on my model.
The file import issue did not exist before attempt to bake high res sculpt details to the low poly model.
and because I save often... I saved the error into my latest version of my file. x.x

I went to Autodesk and my only support option is to ask user forum in which users only ask if I have a subscription, and since I don't I won't be getting any help from Autodesk since I let my old sub expire.
Rock and hard spot... any help would be appreciated.
i assume your mesh is nonmanifold... do you get any errors during import..?
Until that point I was able to export models and materials fine with no export issues or upload issues etc.
The lower levels of detail don't have the issues you see with the face region missing... nor did any of it before attempt to bake down sculpt detail.
I paid money today to renew subscription, and still don't have access to Autodesk support for no good reason.
I literally either get this fixed or have to start from scratch, which I can't afford to do when I am 90% way through a 200 hour project.
(Method 1) recreativing level uvs.
(Method 2) Goto Object List > "mesh" > click the + beside your mesh> check if the highest level has visibility turned on.