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Solved: DDO - Add a text layer to your texture

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Cazure null
I have  made a (whiskey) barrel in C4D. I've exported it to Quixel and gave it my textures, wood & iron. Now I want to add some logos and a text to my texture. But everytime I make a photoshop layer containing a line of text and a layer containing a logo, they don't show up in 3DO. 

Do I forget something?


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey Cazure!

    Have you tried refreshing 3DO with the refresh button at the bottom right of the main DDO window? :smile: 
  • Cazure
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    Cazure null
    @Synaesthesia, I tried that a couple of times. But I didn't get it to work unfortunately. That's why it is so odd.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    May I take a look at your project? Some images of the model and of the Photoshop interface would be very helpful. :smile: 

  • Cazure
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    Cazure null
    @Synaesthesia, I'm currently experiencing alot of bugs in my version of Quixel (2.0.2). When I load in my project from yesterday I'm only seeing the Normal map in PS, but in 3DO I can see my model fully textured. I can't get into Albedo and add the desired text layer et cetera. Also, other projects are all empty as I open them up. Also holding the 'C' key doesn't allow me to see my material ID's.
    After 30min of tinkering I'm afraid I can only send you the project in it's current state. I hope there is enough information in the project. 

    If You need anything else, please tell me!

    DL LINK: http://we.tl/4QG6mfLNbc
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    So I downloaded your project and I saw the same issue that you're having - the channels outside of normal maps are missing. The solution for that: click the dropdown menu in the top right of the primary DDO window, Add New Map, choose the maps you're missing one by one. If you're working with Unreal 4, be sure to pick a Roughness map, an AlbedoM map, and an AO map. :smile: 

    I was also able to get text to appear on your model, so let's try getting those maps back into your project and see if we can add text to the albedo and have it show up in 3DO. :smiley: 

    The ID problem is something that our 3DO engineer is fixing currently. Thanks for bringing it up!

  • Democaliber
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    Democaliber polycounter lvl 4

    I use that every time I do decals to ensure that I do it properly. Works like a charm every time. You just have to remember to do the color adjustments for the correct layers; that includes setting up your normal overlay depending on how you want it to look as well.
  • Cazure
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    Cazure null
    @Democaliber & @Synaesthesia thanks for explaining! I'll quickly take note of that, the only problem is is that I work in Cinema 4D and my workflow doesn't allow me to bake a normal map with program's like xNormal or Knald. So most of the times I leave that out, what results in this.

    I'll try to bake a very basic one, but they don't come out quite as good as in the Quixel tutorials on YouTube unfortunately. But, thanks again for the help! 
  • Democaliber
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    Democaliber polycounter lvl 4

    That is the process I use for baking. I often interchange Quixel and Substance for some of the texturing work I do, but that baking method is great. All you need is a high poly, and a properly UV'd low poly. With that method you can derive normal, AO, height, and curvature maps. I find it to often be better or at least on par with 3DS Max Hammersley baking; the biggest plus is that it only takes about 1/10th of the time to bake the maps that Max does. My general flow is Max/Maya/C4D -> Quixel/Substance/Photoshop -> Game Engine
  • Cazure
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    Cazure null
    @Democaliber , thanks for the reply. I'll look into this video tutorial and see if it brings me anywhere. It's just a bummer that my models are not properly modelled for xNormal to bake correctly, I guess. And that almost all the tutorials on baking are used with 3Ds Max, Maya, et cetera and there are none that explain how to use Cinema 4D for it :(
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