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Mime's Animation Sketchbook

polycounter lvl 15
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Mime polycounter lvl 15
I am by profession an environment artist. But recently i am getting more and more attracted to animation.
So i decided to start learning some in my spare time.
I started with the basics , bouncing ball (3ds Max)

Then i started following some tutorials, and as i realised that what seemed the best are in Maya, i switched to that so i could follow more easily. (My main modelling package is Modo with some 3ds Max mixed in)

This is my latest work, trying to add some character to the ball.

Should i start tackling a simple walk cycle , or do the ball with the tail ?
Guidance and feedback is greatly appreciated.


  • slipsius
    Oh awesome! Love that you`re digging into animation as an enviro artist! These really are a great start! It shows you've got a good understanding of animation already, which is always a plus! 

    Bounce 1: It's a little hard to crit with a flat texture like that. Without being able to see the spin, it seems like it's sliding at the end. Also, I feel you have too much squash and stretch on that last few bounces. It feels very wobbly, which takes away from it's the belief that it's a bouncey ball, rather than say a water balloon. It also feels like it slows down too quickly. you could probably drag it out for a few more bounces.

    Bounce 2:  Love this! lots of subtle stuff going on. The slight bounces as it hits the ramp going up, or when it hits the ground coming down really shows the realism of the ball. Going up the ramp though, it does feel like it hits a brick wall at the top. The timing of hitting its peak is off. It also slows down a little to quickly at the end of the animation. Just slightly thought. It feels more like a car hitting the breaks at a stop sign, rather than a ball coasting to a stop. You may also be able to speed up the initial fast spin that gets it all going. just the initial one though. Play with it a bit. Push it further than you're comfortable with, then tone it down, if need be.

    Bounce 3: Really good stuff! Can definitely tell the ball has personality, and that this is your most recent anim out of the three. Really, the only crit i have on this one is with the second jump to the left platform. After the ball reaches the peak of it's jump, it feels like it speeds up a bit mid air. Once an object is in the air, its' center of gravity has a linear movement. It cant speed up or slow down without extra force (and wind isn't enough!). So just check out your curves and you can probably just shift the translate y (up direction) over a few frames so it's in the middle. 

    With all that said, I really like these! very well done, indeed! 

    I would say after you do some fixes, move on to a walk using a ball and legs.  http://www.cgmeetup.net/forums/files/file/95-ultimate-rig-walker/ You`re definitely ready for it. Walk and Run, if you have time!

    Also, I editted your title, just to avoid confusion if we get more people doing sketchbooks. 
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    Thank you for the great feedback Slipsius. You gave me a great morale boost.
    I downloaded the rig you mentioned, got excited and tried my hand at a basic  walk cycle.

    Here's a rough block-out 

    I will revisit the bouncing balls but i was too excited to try this out.
    I have a couple of questions:
    Should't a rig like this have a key-able root ?
    I watched a tutorial a while back and it was mentioned that a walk cycle should be animated moving and not in place ( for beginners).And i did spot a lot more mistakes that way,so he was right.
    But for this rig i had to manually move most of the controls and key them moving (in the direction of travel). I would have thought it would be easier to key a root or a parent to all the controls, moving horizontally , and if needed remove that animation so it becomes a walk cycle in place.
    Does this make sense?

    Feedback and help appreciated as always. 

  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    I spent a few hours , working on making splines and such.

    It looked weird , slow and  not really good.
    So i remade most of it today. This is what i have so far.

    Comments and feedback appreciated.
  • Rmunday
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    Rmunday polycounter lvl 9
    Your first walk was actually pretty good, your second one seems like a whole new walk altogether. The first is close to a "Standard" walk the second has for more purpose in the walk, like it has somewhere to be. Very good, maybe loop it a few more times :)
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    But for this rig i had to manually move most of the controls and key them moving (in the direction of travel). I would have thought it would be easier to key a root or a parent to all the controls, moving horizontally , and if needed remove that animation so it becomes a walk cycle in place.
    The keys position/rotation are relative to their parent, so you should be able to move the root back to 0/0/0, clear its keys, and have a normal walk cycle. Is that what you mean?
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    But in this case the root "had no keyable attributes". So i had to key the feet and hips on the Z axis ( in this case). And to turn this into a 'in place' walk cycle, i would have to redo most of the feet positions, since they move in Z with the hips and relative to themselves.

    Anyway i worked on it a bit more and made it longer.

    I think i'll upgrade now to a full body rig and do a walk cycle on that, see how that goes :smiley: 
  • slipsius
    So, on the rig, select the triangle at the bottom, then in your channel box, select all the translate and rotate attributes, right click and say "Make selected keyable" towards the bottom. That should allow you to move the main node as you would like. 
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    @slipsius Thanks ! you're a lifesaver.
    I started work on a full rig today. Still WIP. (damn knees)

    Comments and feedback is appreciated.
  • penOr
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    penOr polycounter lvl 7
    Looking really good Mime! You've got really nice shoulder twisting, but not much hip twisting. The hips should twist to allow the leg going forward to reach further, which will counter the twisting of the shoulders. He also looks a little upright and stiff, could maybe lean him forward a little?

    Great so far, very purposeful walk :smile: 
  • Rmunday
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    Rmunday polycounter lvl 9
    Walks looking good, the arms do look a touch robotic they both start and leave their positions at the same time, try offsetting the motion a couple of frames on one of the arms should give it a more natural look :)
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    @penOr @Rmunday : Thanks for the feedback.
    I got some more work done on this over the weekend.
    I'm gonna call this done , it seems the more i work on it, the more i break it :smiley: 

    I'm will start working on a run next, see how that work out. 
    I do have a question. On the walk cycle : does the elbow or the shoulder lead the motion of the arm , i've watched a lot of reference , but i just can't tell.

    As always feedback appreciated.
  • Rmunday
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    Rmunday polycounter lvl 9
    Walk is looking top notch, I think the shoulder/elbow question is dependent on the type of walk and the individual, after doing a few strides now I personally lead with my elbow then the shoulder follows.  
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    Right before christmas i blocked out a run cycle , stepped mode only. 

    I refined it some  and i will work on it a bit more. Hopefuly i will get it done by the end of the day, if i have a bit more free time and i will post it.
    Thanks for the feedback everyone , every bit helps.

  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    Got a few more hours on this guy.
    Here's what i have so far. I'm sure it's not perfect but i don't know what to improve on it. Any ideas ?

  • limeforce
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    limeforce polycounter lvl 7
    I would call that done, I see it as a well-done cartoony and bouncy jog cycle. Something to keep in mind for the future: the arm/hand motion is very big compared to the speed the character is moving at. Maybe a sprinters hands would move in big arcs like that. In a realistic jog at that speed the hand/fist would never go behind the waistline, I just tried jogging a bit and I had to exagerate my motions quite a bit to make that happen. But that can be used deliberately to sell a flimsy/funny type of character.

    Maybe someone can chime in with more ideas for this cycle, I just want to see what you do next!
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks @limeforce .
    I toned down the arm swing a bit.
    Here's the final animation:

    I have a question about curves. i bumped into this while animating the arms.
    I started by setting the key poses and refining from there. But the speed of the rotation of the arms was inconsistent. So i went into the curves editor and saw that the curve was a bit jagged so i deleted most of the keys leaving a nice curve.
    Is this bad practice ? How do are you "supposed" to do something like this?
    I attached and image to show what i'm talking about. The curve above is the final one and the one below is the one from the block-out.

  • PeteHawk
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    PeteHawk polycounter lvl 12
    I don't have much time so I'll keep this short.
    Be careful of the curve editor, it can be quite a addictive drug. Work with it, understand it, play with it, try it! Then discard it.
    I hardly ever go into it, the only reasons I open them is to:
    - Get rid of any keys on top of each other
    - Euler filter.

    I'm sure there are other good uses, for instance working with looped animation and scaling/moving keys about the timeline.
    I use the dope sheet a little more then the curve editor, since I can scale my keys about but still keep them on whole frame rather then 0.234 frames and other messy decimals.

    If your arcs in your animations aren't working right, practice your eyes to try and fix the problem. Delete and try again ;)
    Happy animating!
  • slipsius
    The curve editor is a beast all in it's own. It can be amazing. It can be horrible. In your case and in my opinion, yes, you did ok by deleting those keys. I would have done the same thing. Nice smooth curves like that are great for starting cycles. When you become more advanced, and get more experience under your belt, you`ll learn that no body part moves that smoothly. but that's really for when you`re going for extreme realism. For basic walk cycles like this, it's completely fine, and a great way to learn. 

    The problem with doing too much with the curve editor is this. The more time you spend in the editor shifting keys and smoothing curves, the more you destroy your initial pose. Posing is a huge step of animation, and you generally spent a lot of time finding the exact pose you want. But every click in the curve editor will change that pose ever so slightly (and not so slightly, sometimes). If you do your posing correctly the first time, and have enough poses in your block out, you wont need to do too much in the curve editor. But this really does come with time.  You`ll ALWAYS need to go in and fix the loop, when doing a looping animation. And the editor can be extremely useful to diagnose a problem area though. If you see something that seems off, but cant really tell why. Whether its a pop or the timing is off on something. You can generally see it in the editor. 

    Now, with that said, you shouldn't be afraid to delete keys if you need to. I do all the time. Sometimes it's the best solution. Just keep in mind your posing, and if you delete a lot of stuff, make sure your pose still stands strong. 

    As for your run cycle. Your hips are tilted too far back, like his ass is sticking out. Bring that ass in more and it will help make it more natural looking. And is that left pic full on front view, or is it tilted a bit? It's hard to tell if it's the animation or the camera angle. 
  • Rmunday
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    Rmunday polycounter lvl 9
    I consider myself still a beginner even after 3 or so years animating and generally use the curve editor for clean up like you did, I just don't like looking at a mess of keys. Like Slipsus mentioned be careful deleting keys though you could scrub back and find a subtle follow through in say the wrist is now all gone. General timings I am trying to train my eye to see directly in the viewport but the graph editor is a convenient crutch to rest on. 
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    Thank you all for the fantastic advice.
    This is stuff i can't get from tutorials.
    I've started work on a simple attack animation, and i'm starting to understand why poses and breakdowns are so important.
    I'll try to keep in mind what you all said , about  the curve editor.

    @slipsius i'll fix the hips . i made the clip by importing the scene in itself 3 times. so the front and side are not truly side and front. it's all from perspective view. Is there an easy way to get true front , side and perspective, without having to comp 3 videos ?
    @peterhawk i'm not use what the euler filter does. i'll read up on it.
  • Hito
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    Hito interpolator
    euler filter fixes gimbal lock. when rotation axis cross over another you get unwanted sudden rotations. Euler Filter will smooth those out 95% of the time... the rest you'll likely have to brute force through.

    Right click the camera icon in the upper left area of viewport, under "View" for Perspective and Ortho views.
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    @hito : thanks for the explanation, that seems like it would help a lot.
    @peterhawk : i'm sure you know this, but if you scale keys in the maya timeline, if you right click there's a snap option so you don't get frame 3.56 

    So i managed to block-out a simple loop-able attack was just starting to smooth it out, and realized it was all kinds of wrong.

    The attack hand is the same as the forward leg, everything moves at the same time and more.
    So i remade it today from scratch.
    Here's what i have so far:

  • tuna
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    tuna polycounter lvl 7
    Curve editor is a tool you will need to use a lot, I don't care what the posters above say :)  It's something you'll want to just leave open on the 2nd screen or down below whenever you're past the blocking stage. 

    Like Slipsius said above it is not a tool you animate "in", you animate in the viewport, but you will also end up using the curve editor to "move" your character by tweaking keys in there while you see what it does in the viewport.  Tweaking curve scales/timing/tangents/ and of course deleting untold numbers of keys.  There are too many reasons why using the curve editor is important to go into but its not something you discard, as mentioned above.

    Also Euler filter is to solve continuous rotation issues, not gimbal lock.  Basically over 360degree rotation, software sometimes has a hard time understanding if you want to set a key at 450 degrees or 90 degrees and invariably your curves will suddenly shoot down and rotate everything backwards.  The pose looks fine but the interpolation will make it rotate backwards suddenly.  This tool will basically fix those keys by adding however many 360's needed to make the curve look like a slope instead of a crazy jagged mess.

    Gimbal lock on the other hand is resolved by changing rotation orders (or planning correct rotation orders to begin with), or by constraining to another null temporarily with different rotations.  Gimbal lock itself is when e.g. x and y are overlapped, so you can only rotate in the xy plane, or z, so you've lost one entire axis for a bit.

    Mime, your second one is a lot better :)
    I would say his left foot is rising up a lot for the movement there, barely have it come off the ground, since humans are lazy/efficient, we usually do things in the most direct way and rising your foot that high off the ground isn't natural.  Instead maybe use that pose time to roll the ball of the a bit as it comes off the ground to move forward.
    I would also say try adding a few more frames of the hips > torso starting to twist and drag that sword up out of anticipation, it seems to lack a visible source from which it starts moving, and with basically all of our big motions they start at the hips and work their way down.
    Overlap the two arms in your blocking rather than later, they are both rotating forwards for the strike at the same time without working together to help twist that torso.  Same with the followthrough, right now your posing lacks any followthrough with his left arm, head, hips etc.
  • PeteHawk
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    PeteHawk polycounter lvl 12
    Each to their own I'd say. I've only be working in this games company that I'm currently at for over half a year, started off with the curve editor by my side as I always did. 2 months in I was told to try and experiment without out. By the 4th month I had already realised I was improving without the need of the curves. That might not be everyones case.
    This advice comes from my leads and seniors and they have been at it for +10 years. I barely see the editor on their screens. It's a waste of MY own time now I believe, only use it for technical problem solving. My animation can come out a bit faster now.

    Plus the idea of happy accidents happening when you are fiddling with the tangents and moving about keys. I find more satisfaction in knowing that I did something because I saw it. I've heard quite a few big shot animators talk about working on a linear tangent. And just adding the extra keys needed that the curves would do.
  • Hito
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    Hito interpolator
    thanks for clarifying Tuna. Euler filter always worked a little like "Magic" to me, it just fixed things when I have rotations keyed in such a way where there's rotation axis crossing another... when crossing the 180 degrees thresh hold. 

    As far as graph editor use, everyone will give you a different answer. :D I find it useful for creating cycles and trouble shooting when you see a "hitch" in the viewport. I tend to leave it on a 2nd screen so I can maximize viewport as that's where most of the animating happens.
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