Do anyone knows where I can how to use Quixel Suite 2, I had never used Quixel Suite in the past or substance, I`m new in this and want to learn Quixel as I found out pretty amazing tool. Where do I learn how to use it Quixel Suite 2? I can`t wait for Quixel to upload training, they´re good, but they are kinda slow
Also why Quixel instead of Substace? Just wondering why, I prefer Quixel but want to know a technical reason.
Thank you!!!
We have a wide array of tutorials and learning information located at - give it a shot and let us know what you think.
We have learning materials coming up for beginners soon, but in the meantime you're welcome to try out Wiktor's Suite 2 Workflow Primer, download the project files, and follow along.