Whats to Expect In this sketchbook ill be focusing on 3D Art - specializing in creating props and environments assets. My Goals - Learn and grow as an artist. - Make a career out of a passion. - To stop worrying and just create.
Im challenging my self to recreate the iconic vespa from FLCL.
Goals - Practice Hard Surface - High to Low Poly pipeline - PBR Texturing - Importing into UE4 or Marmoset Guidelines - 2048 x 2048 Maps - Reasonable polycount <30k poly's
I have been plugging away at this bike on and off from work for the past few nights and here is where i currently stand.
Small update, Still working on the high-poly in between work and days off. I finished a lot of the small details on the bike. Only things left to finish are the trims and making the kickstarter for the engine than hopefully I can start the low poly.
Update 6/17/16 - Vespa is back on Hiatus - Spent too much time noodling on the vespa that I ultimately just got bored and dropped it.
Finally Back from school/hiatus. The last couple of days I've gotten a chance to work on the low poly of the model and read up more on the PBR workflow. http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/learn/pbr-conversion , From here I guess the next steps i should take are
- Bake normals - Bake AO - Make Gloss/Spec - Paint in Substance Painter
New Project - Souvenir Shop - Concept art by Vasili Zorin
Souvenir Shop - Is a concept piece for the game Sunset Overdrive, I will be trying my best to capture the look of the concept as well as try and match the game's visuals. Currently i've got my initial block out finished, quite happy with what I have. A concern I feel is there needs to be more done to the dead spaces especially in the roof and back of the building. Will attempt a paint over before moving further.
Quick paint over of what I think the back could look like. Keeping in mind game play from sunset overdrive the PC would have multiple "bouncy' objects' to boost them to higher places, hoping to really emphasize what is " bouncy" by contrasting the color from the static objects.
Im challenging my self to recreate the iconic vespa from FLCL.
- Practice Hard Surface
- High to Low Poly pipeline
- PBR Texturing
- Importing into UE4 or Marmoset
- 2048 x 2048 Maps
- Reasonable polycount <30k poly's
I have been plugging away at this bike on and off from work for the past few nights and here is where i currently stand.
Please see the thread Why is everyone using massive PNG files for their shots?
Keep going, it's coming along great.
Finally Back from school/hiatus.
The last couple of days I've gotten a chance to work on the low poly of the model and read up more on the PBR workflow. http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/learn/pbr-conversion , From here I guess the next steps i should take are
- Bake normals
- Bake AO
- Make Gloss/Spec
- Paint in Substance Painter
Hopefully im not missing out on any steps.
Souvenir Shop - Is a concept piece for the game Sunset Overdrive, I will be trying my best to capture the look of the concept as well as try and match the game's visuals. Currently i've got my initial block out finished, quite happy with what I have. A concern I feel is there needs to be more done to the dead spaces especially in the roof and back of the building. Will attempt a paint over before moving further.
Small but late update, i've finalized my blockout and started to bring things to a solid 70
Detail block out