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Solved: 2.0 Does not display textures on Mesh in 3Do after re-import.

Title says it all. I re-imported a new version of the mesh (same vertices and UVs but simply re positioned) and it stops displaying any textures in 3Do. I tried to refresh, to save project and reload. Nothing. Reboot Photoshop. Nothing.

Reimport the original Mesh. Textures return.

Nothing wrong with the mesh. I can create a new project with this mesh and textures will display. Seems to be a bug with dDo and re-import mesh.


  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I'm confused - the reimporter is currently not functioning and should be unaccessible - could you show me some images of what's happening? :smile: 
  • Richard Culver
    I think my wording was confusing. I am trying to re-import the mesh. There is still a menu item for that in dDo. And the new mesh imports. Just that the textures do not update in 3Do from dDo when this is done. in 3Do the model is blank. No textures.

    It could be disabling that feature also affected this? Or this is bugged as well and no one noticed?

    Or should I be doing this in 3do?

  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter
    What's the name of the *.PSDs? It should be the name of the primary mesh group. So if you exported a model with one group and that mesh group's name was Box001, the PSDs should be called Box001_Albedo.psd and so forth. Make sure the reimported mesh group matches the name of the PSDs (which would be the original name of the mesh group from your first export), otherwise they won't display on the mesh. :smile:
  • Richard Culver
    OK, That may be it. I'll check that out and report back. Thanks. :)
  • fourche13
    Offline / Send Message
    fourche13 polycounter lvl 7
    What's the name of the *.PSDs? It should be the name of the primary mesh group. So if you exported a model with one group and that mesh group's name was Box001, the PSDs should be called Box001_Albedo.psd and so forth. Make sure the reimported mesh group matches the name of the PSDs (which would be the original name of the mesh group from your first export), otherwise they won't display on the mesh. :smile:
    Hey thanks, I confirm. It worked for me.
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