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[Unity] Hand Painted Winter Base Defence

polycounter lvl 6
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godejon polycounter lvl 6

Hi! I'm working on a fantasy themed base defence game with a friend. I'm looking for some critique. At this point I'm just making assets - I haven't really started thinking about scene composition or anything.

This will most likely be the camera angle in game. I would especially like to hear from you hand painters, as my textures need a lot of work. I can upload full resolution if you'd like.

a bonus preview of our lead animator's work


  • godejon
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    godejon polycounter lvl 6
    Hi all. I've just finished a few house variations - here are some images!

    I need to keep the houses 1 story so the towers can shoot over them. I think I'll add a dormer onto the long building and one of the taller square buildings to break up the roof shapes - any other ideas to make these things more unique? There will probably be 10-20 of these on screen.

    I also made the tower taller and thicker, though I still don't think it's tall enough.

    I also never posted my primary mood image!

  • godejon
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    godejon polycounter lvl 6
    Hi! I'm still looking for crit on anything and everything so if you notice anything, please don't hesitate!

    Here's a small vegetation update (my favorite type of update!). I realized that the trees were not matching the other assets, so I made them less realistic (and hopefully more interesting). I also tried to make the snow on the leaves less blobby, as it looked ugly in Unity.

    I also did a terrain in World Machine (haven't started with texturing it). It gets some weird shading from the standard SSAO script in Unity, so we'll have to find some solution for that.

    I think my next step will be to redo most of my textures. I'm leaving my desktop behind for Christmas, so I'll resume work once I return to Washington.
    Happy Holidays! :)
  • mrgesy
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    mrgesy polycounter lvl 7
    I think the hand painted textures need more style. The shadows in the textures are too black.
  • Nuclear Angel
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    Nuclear Angel polycounter
    You need more color information in your hand-painted textures. Right now they are very flat and desaturated. And as MRGESY said, the shadows are too black, make them more blue or purple. In that way you could get even more color in your scene. Another thing is that your snow should not be pure white, unless you have a complete overcast type of weather, but in my opinion that is quite dull, so maybe try to give it more blue and yellow tones. For example, on the slope to the left you could give the snow more blue tones as the snow is layering on itself giving this subarctic feeling. And under the buildings you could add yellow tones because of all the dirt from people walking around the buildings and such.

    One thing that really could help you is to gather references of the style you want to achieve, and compare your texture work to that and you will see where you need to push you textures. Good luck  
  • Paradoxidia
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    Paradoxidia triangle
    Another thing to keep in mind is that for a lot of these houses, the wood grain appears to be facing the wrong direction. most log cabins (and houses in general) have logs/planks placed horizontally, rather than vertically. I love your trees, though! Keep going!
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