Hi guys !
I'm tryin' to learn the game asset workflow, with proper baking, low poly mesh etc... so I tryed to do a shield,
Here's the Hi-rez

The Low Poly

So I bake the maps in substance painter,
Here's the NM map

So before texturing I wanted to see if my NM is working inside of Marmoset, and here's the weird stuff
If I export my mesh from maya with all part
I have no issues in Marmoset

but if I group them ( I wanna group em to texture it easier inside of Quixel / Painter ) and export the center piece is just messed up

any idea why ?
Thanks !
Edit: oh also check the names of your UV channels, they might be getting combined improperly if one is set to useing a differrent UV channel, if that's the case you can just copy it to the default one before combining.
I just realized you're using the word group, you should probably be using Mesh>Combine, instead of grouping and then exporting selected which is what it sounds like you might be doing.
this is so weird ! I tryed with a normal map from painter and I got the same issue
Still I managed to texture it inside of painter ( https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0zn1K ) ( I thought at first that substance will create a differente shading group per obj not combine ) but It's weird, even If i export only the wood part, I have that issue
Edit , ok maybe I found where the issue came from, when I look in the UV editor it looks like my UV shell is divided in multiple UV shell
Any idea how to merge em back ?
the wooden part of your shield could literally be a big flat plane, and it would still have just as much detail after baking.
Yes that's what I thought afterwards, I could also improve the polycount right ?