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Wii Girl progress

polycounter lvl 7
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Nelo polycounter lvl 7
Just something I've been working on between projects.
Recently finished unwrapping the low poly and started poly painting accessories.

Concept art found previously on another site.
Feedback always appreciated.


  • Nelo
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    Nelo polycounter lvl 7
    Finally finished this little side project. Overall satisfied, could've kept nitpicking at small things but I want to move on from this, at least for right now.

    Edit: I kept trying to scale the hips on the low poly model but angles got too sharp after a certain point. Goal was to keep it low poly(ish), bit of optimization practice.

  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Hi there!
    Happy to see someone working on that concept, this guy does really cool stuff.
    Just couple of ideas of stuff to work on,
    The topology especially needs a whole lot of work. The topology should be used especially to keep the silhouette of the character. 
    The shoulders area and hips-legs especially have a lot of issue, take your time when working on those area. 
    The whole topology also look very dirty and wavy, you gotta clean and relax it a bit, it really looks messy at the moment.
    I won't go into the face but I really suggest you to do some research on topology and practice!

    On the sculp itself the shoulder hips and knee area once again need work, the silhouette is off and the sculpt looks uncertain.
    I suggest you to take a look at scott eaton anatomy class and also use reference when needed :)

    Cheers and keep going!
  • SmilingMountain
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    SmilingMountain polycounter lvl 7
    I agree on the topology points, check out the wiki for some decent examples of good face and body topology. I'm also curious what platform this is aimed at, you said you want to keep it low poly, is it supposed to be for mobile/ tablet etc.? If it's aimed at current gen platforms the poly count would be too low by the looks of it. I think overall the sculpt is pretty good, but I agree with Tits the anatomy looks a little shaky. As well as Eaton, I'd also recommend Scott Spencer's Books on anatomy and character sculpting. Ryan Kingslen also has some great face sculpting tutorials on his Youtube channel that are worth checking out.

    Looking forward to seeing your next piece :)  
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