Ive seen the trailers for Doom 4 and Ive seen the wikipedia page on id tech 6 and I just wondered what we really know for sure about this engine? Doom 4 looks great but are they really using voxel octree rendering? It still looks like triangle based models in the screenshots so what does that even mean?
Seriously though that citation is from 7 years ago, might have been what was initially envisioned but probably not what it is now.
Ah that would make sense, Doom4 has been in development for 7 years? so what else do we know about the engine, what does it do that unreal 4 doesnt etc?
and i dont think there is special magic inside...
Also somewhat interesting regarding SVO: That slide deck by Jon Olick in the citations seems to specifically talk about using voxels for unique geometry. Apparently Brian Karis of Epic wrote about this back in 2009 on his blog.
Think it's a safe assumption this never made it into idTech however looking through Jon Olick's youtube channel he has another personal project called Voxelnauts which he says is built on the ideas in that siggraph presentation. Evidently there was a kickstarter for it which failed to meet its funding, One of the artists made a thread here on Polycount about their work on it. Wish I had known about it, the game looks pretty cool:
Sorry for the tangent, just thought it was interesting.
Yeah I assumed that they arent doing anything super new with voxel based geometry in doom4, it just looks so much like what we have seen in other current gen games, it would be a nice surprise if there is some fancy tech going on that renders so well.
that Snap Map might start IdTech down a path that reveals power under the hood.
If popular ID could further contribute to competition and hopefully further inspire the tech in other available engines.
Even if marketed for idiot proofing the snap map video got me excited for maybe new advanced Idtech editor progress?
Having one of the CryEngine gods on the team also helps.
have u revisited rage? seems as if they implemented a dithering solution that I think works fine. ( I was mightily impressed compared to my initial negative impression to "close up" when the game was first released )
Just was reading that Snap Map would be the only course for DOOM modding. Dunno if that is a good or bad thing ( is Radiant evolved into snap map or is Snap map a simplified alternative tool for the modding community? )
The weapon selection stuff won't be in multiplayer.