There's a SIGGRAPH 2012 paper and video that goes into a lot of detail on this subject but not sinple enough for me to borrow from and create my own knit meshes. Are there anyways to either achieve, or possibly fake, this kind of knit fabric for, say, high poly to low poly baking?
I have and found a couple of things but not much more. I'm usually good with searching, done a lot of searching on google too with little luck. Starting a topic was my last resort.
Searching this forum for "knit", this thread is the first result, and the second result is about a balaclava. In that thread the OP mentions the tool they used.
I had checked that thread but thought it was just a texture that was used but now I've taken a second look. I see it was actually modeled. Guess I skimmed too much, need to be careful of that. Anyways, thanks for mentioning it.