I want to make a straight forward level for a album i'm going to be releasing soon. Not sure on how much i'll be able to pay, but it should be a pretty straight forward game. I need done by sometime in January.
My plan is it being modeled after a old kmart while the album plays, there wont be any game mechanics, just strictly walking around and that's it, the main focus will be the aesthetic of the level rather then gameplay.
here's a link to the first track of the album.
do you have an idea of the graphic style you looking for ?
Is it a paid job ?
some clips from inside a kmart
I don't have a lot of money, and i don't think i'll be making a lot of money of the album so I have a small budget for stuff like this.
or this?
I see you did post a couple reference videos, but I wanted a little better idea on the 3d style itself is all.
Do you want a fly-through video or actual interactive environment more like a video game?
Sorry for so many questions. I just want to make sure I have a clear understanding of what you want and I made this a post because I think others may have some of these questions too.