I was wondering if performance wise there was any reason to use Quaternion/Euler over the other? Are there any known major issues with using either of them in Unity/UE4 to be aware of?
Another related question; is it ok to mix both Euler and Quanternion in a rig? Like say having the root as a Quanternion so that a character can act like an acrobat doing rolls/flips/etc. , while using Euler for the rest?
You can probably use Euler angles for anything that only needs to rotate around one or two axes, like an elbow. For stuff that requires more degrees of freedom like an arm socket it's better to use quats. In the end (in the engine) it's all quats anyway most of the time.
In Unity I'm not aware of a way to rig and animate with Quaternions, only Euler angles. You do have access in code to the Quaternions, and it has lot of helper functions to translate between Euler and Quaternions. The Unity docs on it are here.
They may get rigged as Euler or TCB... but they're going to get exported as keyframes in the same specification regardless of how you actually get the rig to rotate.
They may get rigged as Euler or TCB... but they're going to get exported as keyframes in the same specification regardless of how you actually get the rig to rotate.