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Art QA resources, practices, stories - where to find?

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Kwramm interpolator
Hello all,
I am looking for resources (tutorials, articles, research papers, books, etc.) about ART QA (not necessarily game QA). Basically QA practices and tools which aid the art creation process. I'm not really looking for game QA testing, where the game is tested as a whole, but the steps before.
I'd be interested to hear how QA is handled during different production steps (modeling, animation, etc). I'm interested in tools (e.g. check tools), processes (approval systems, checklists, etc).

I'd also be happy to hear about production horror stories of how reworking assets to death could have been prevented with some oversight :)

Why my interest? I would like to research current art production QA practices for a research degree, and come up with ways for improvement, and possibly try them out at my company in a production setting.

Thank you!


  • MrHobo
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    MrHobo polycounter lvl 14
    It sounds like what youre looking for is Preproduction R&D. As far as Im aware QA (In terms of something that would conceptually be called QA) wouldnt be used outside of focus and feedback testing that early in development.
    Have you tried looking into the GDC vault for talks and slides about preproduction art pipeline testing/iteration/setup?
    There was one recently from the Guilty Gear guys and one from the team that did the Halo anniversary stuff if memory serves. If I remember correctly both are on youtube and had some nuggets of info.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    This video?  

    Remaking the Art of Halo 2 for Xbox One - GDC 2015


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