Am I missing something or is it impossible ( at least for me) to post in the quixel subforum ?I am using Rhino3D+Keyshot for industrial design modeling and rendering. But the Keyshots materials were always a bit too sterile for my taste. When I first saw Quixel I was intriegued and tried to integrate into my workflow. The problem currently have is the UV unwrapping. Theoretically Nurbs have inherent UV spaces, but there are isolated for each individual surface. When I convert the nurbs modell to a mesh the topology is based on the Nurbs-patch layout and probably not well suited for UV unwrapping (?). I tried to automatically unwrap with zBrush at my acadamy, but with mixed results. Does anyone have any suggestions how to tackle this problem? Remodeling in Polys is problematic because a) I have an industrial design background and do not have much experiance modeling with polys b) usually a lot of work has gone in the Nurbs
Models to ensure the highest surface quality+ blends so remodeling would kind of defeat this
thanks for any help!

nurbs layout inside rhino

The posting problem is probably because you registered this account very recently, and it just needed to be verified as not being a spam account, by one of us moderators.