These are now all done, dusted, and on the asset store!!/content/51772 Thanks for all the feedback, and hope you guys enjoy.
Wasn't sure where to post these, since it's a mix of 3D work with a lot of 2D work layered on top...
Been knocking together some fantasy style icons that can be used for RPG/RTS style games, ready for the Unity Asset Store. Some are clearly a lot further along than others, and some haven't had a solid Photoshop blast-over yet so look a bit 'bleurgh', but let me know what you guys think, and what other things might be cool to include.
I'll be doing some colour variations once these are done too, especially for items like the gems and potions..
If you can upgrade the bad ones then you really got a nice set of icons, keep up the good work.
Coin purses, texture on the first looks really strangely aligned to camera, the other clearly has no texture, making it look plastic.
Wooden stump, looks under processed, I had a hard time to see what it was.
Bread, too light color, I don't like the shininess
Gold, has more of a yellow painted feel than gold.
Gears, add some wear, they come off as pretty flat.
Silver coins, should be more zoomed.
These are obviously only my opinions and nothing objective, hope it helps!!/content/51772
Thanks for all the feedback, and hope you guys enjoy.!/content/51772
Thanks for the feedback guys, and hope you enjoy.!/content/51772
Thanks for the feedback guys, and hope you enjoy.