Hey guys,
I'm trying to start Suite 2 but whenever I try to use NDo or DDO, I input my Mesh, Maps and hit start but can't get past 3Do starting up. It'll open but my mesh wont be there and looking at task manager there appears to be an alert window that isn't coming up.
I can close the window through TM but 3Do then doesn't display my mesh or any textures being created and I'm at a bit of a loss. I thought it might be a problem with my mesh/maps but I tried an older model that I'd used in the first Suite but I get the same results.
3Do goes blank when I click the "Bake" tab as well. The other two work fine, they just don't display anything I'm doing Photoshop.
I've run it in Admin but no results. I've alos asked to join the Quixel group and I'm waiting to be added.
But nothing comes up when I click it and closing it seems to stop 3Do from linking to DDO. If I click the tabs in 3Do while it's up though, if I click "Bake" I get this grey screen that I have to force quit:
The Icon top right is from a program call Displayfusion, to avoid any confusion
Not sure why it's been labeled "Answered" as I didn't see any posts about it being solved?
Have you joined the Quixel Live Support group? If you tag @Sameer there (our lead engineer), he should be able to dedicate some one-on-one time to help resolve this for you!
With that said, Quixel suite is a dream! It feels awesome painting in this program, and I'm loving it.
On a side note, can you clear something up Synaesthesia? I was wondering how the "add color paint layer" functions. Once I create a paint layer and apply a few strokes, only a blank PS layer shows up on my PS document, and only in the 3do window is where I can see the strokes (on the model). I turned the "toggle color paint mode" on and off, but I still cant see anything visible in the PS layer stack in the albedo category, but only a blank PS layer to represent the "paint layer".
I'm really eader to start using Suite 2, but I don't want you to think I'm impatient!
The paint mode is currently being evaluated by our 3DO engineer. The issues you're experiencing with it should be fixed in the next patch we push out!
AlertWindow and Thinking... are both normal and are needed for the Photoshop connection to run correctly. Are you still having issues getting 3DO to operate? What are your system specifications, if I may ask?
Specs are here: http://speccy.piriform.com/results/5eHIAmmdgvUospARG4PUaOP
Can't wait to get playing with this!