Last update: Finished the texturing and the rendering.

After seeing the Star Wars trailer I wanted to make a fan art model of the BB8 (new droid).
I wanted to challenge myself with this model and get better at making High Poly assets with harder and unique shapes.
Most of the line work is cuts into the model, there are floaters also.
Still a W.I.P:
Need to finish the head piece HP
Make the LP's and unwrapPerfect the Normal MapTexture
Added the smaller eye to the Head piece.
And what is with Shading Erroros in the High Poly? ^^
I was getting some seam errors and angle errors which I am currently fixing.
I have started the texture process.
I hope you make a thread and share your own star wars work, I will be looking for that thread
Update: Added a better dirt pass than what I had previously. I need to go and paint out the floating geo AO map, at the moment it is not displaying correctly and putting a white boarder around my dirt pass.