I think everyone knows that Maya is the industry leader for animation atp, but what I'm wondering is just how much of a lead it has? My guess is that Max has about 1/3 of the market share in this area that Maya does, but is that accurate?
Even though I don't think PC has that many animators (it's no 11 Second Club at least), most here have probably worked with animators at studios or on freelance gigs. For you guys, whats been your experience in regards to the software divide (strictly for rigging/animation) ?
Most of the studios I've worked with have used Max for their rigs, but that's because they were already using Max for modeling, animating, and exporting too. It's not that easy to switch packages once you've built a nice art pipeline.
Having said that though, Maya definitely makes it easier for riggers to build custom setups, since scripting gives you deep access to the software. Scripting and coding in Max is a bit more of a tacked-on setup, with lots of caveats. I've seen great rigs in each though, so to each their own.
You could also try asking this in the Tech Artists forum, where they have a Rigging sub-section.
you wouldn't be asking me to texture with paint shop pro either, would you?
You`re more likely to find a studio using maya or motion builder for animation. Most gravitate towards motion builder for mocap stuff, but not all.
If you`re trying to figure out what software to learn for hand keyed animation and rigging, I`d say just go with Maya. The skills will translate over to max, should you run into a studio that uses it. As long as you can demonstrate your skills, and your ability to learn on the job, most studios will not have an issue with learning their software in your first couple of weeks. For instance, I only had used Maya. When I went to my first AAA job, I had to learn max on the job, and they were fine with it (that studio now switched to maya). When I went to my second AAA job, I had to learn motion builder and they were fine with it.